


Health Sciences
精神看護学分野 准教授
Psychiatric Nursing Associate Professor
中西 三春
Miharu Nakanishi

中西 三春




●Please describe the outline of your research.

The research covers palliative care including advance care planning and psychosocial interventions to neuropsychiatric symptoms. As a syndrome with several causes that lead to a progressive decline in multiple areas of functioning including cognition, dementia has been recognized as a life-limiting condition benefitting from a palliative care approach. Advance care planning is a process of communication about future care and treatment preferences, values and goals with the person with dementia, family, and the health care team, preferably with ongoing conversations and documentation. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are typically an expression of the unmet needs which often involve basic health such as pain, physical illness, and discomfort.
I have worked for development, evaluation, dissemination and implementation of Japanese adaptation of Swedish psychosocial care programme (BPSD-registry) to address neuropsychiatric symptoms of people with dementia. Currently I am working with Dutch team that is also developing the cultural adaptation of the programme and striving for future cross-country collaboration between Sweden, the Netherlands, and Japan. I am also a member of the European Association for Palliative Care taskforce advance care planning for dementia since 2019. The taskforce aims to conceptualise advance care planning in dementia and to provide recommendations for practice, research and policy.




●What is the atmosphere like in your laboratory?

Our department may be affiliated with the ‘independence’ culture: each member is pursuing own research theme rather than performing a large project as ‘one team’. Hence, the strength of the department lies in diversity of themes that are not limited to psychiatric nursing. We hold a regular (now weekly) consultation meeting with graduate students together to facilitate exchanges and learning of diverse research topics among them.



●What is your message to prospective students, including what you expect from them?

The research scope outside nursing expertise and speciality is welcome if it aims to provide evidence that empower diverse front-line providers to deliver psychosocial interventions to people with vulnerabilities. Mental health systems need to be transformed globally into the framing of a rights-based approach upon widespread promotive, preventive, and recovery-oriented strategies.t Especially, I am passionate about increasing young researchers who are willing to work across disciplines and borders to develop innovative solutions for equitable access to quality care in people with dementia and families.




●What kind of career paths are available after completion of the program? How are graduates active?

To my knowledge, our graduates may be typically assigned to teaching roles in nursing departments at universities. Since 2022, our department launched new education course for Certified Nursing Specialist (CNS) which is equivalent to a master course in the Graduate School.



●Is it possible to study while working at a hospital or company?

It may be possible, though depending on the person, as there was a graduate student in the past who managed his master thesis while working full-time at a hospital.




●What is the best thing about Tohoku University?

Researchers and students in international exchange may benefit from the university in managing residence permit, visa and accommodation. I have experienced both hosting of a foreign student at Tohoku University and being myself hosted at a foreign university; I feel that Tohoku University organized everything better than the university.



I did not have a smartphone until March 2021, one month before my appointment at Tohoku University. In October 2019 when I attended Alzheimer Europe conference at Den Haag in the Netherlands, a Dutch colleague said: ‘Come on Miharu, it is already 21st century! You are a woman who have received the highest education in Japan and have PhD! You can handle a smartphone. Why not??’
Since June 2023 until March 2024, I obtained the KAKENHI to stay and study at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. During the stay, I relied on my smartphone to manage a full range of financial issues including application for a bank account, sending to the account, payment in daily shopping and national tax payment (to Japan). I met with her again and had to admit that she was correct at last.


The photo below is the Wereldmuseum Leiden in mid-March 2024, a few days before my departure from the Netherlands. Cherry blossoms were already in full bloom.


Health Sciences
精神看護学分野 准教授
Psychiatric Nursing Associate Professor
中西 三春
Miharu Nakanishi


After obtaining Ph.D., I have worked for 16 years at research organizations in the fields of health policy, programme development, dissemination and implementation in dementia care. I started my teaching role at Tohoku University since April 2021.
2005 Research Resident: Department of Social Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
2006 Researcher (2009 Senior Researcher): Research Department, Institute for Health Economics and Policy
2014 Senior Researcher (2015 Chief Researcher): Mental Health Promotion Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
2020 Chief Researcher: Research Center for Social Science & Medicine, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
2021 Associate Professor: Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine


1.認知症におけるアドバンス・ケア・プランニングの推進に向けた国際提言を発表 欧州緩和ケア学会33か国107名の専門家による政策と研究の提案

(Future policy and research for advance care planning in dementia: consensus recommendations from an international Delphi panel of the European Association for Palliative Care)

2.女性の更年期と自殺念慮との関係 思春期コホートの母親に関するデータ解析から

(Association between menopause and suicidal ideation in mothers of adolescents: A longitudinal study using data from a population-based cohort)

3.地域の連帯感が認知症に対する理解を育む 近隣住民の結束力を高く認識している人は認知症に対する差別や偏見が少ない

(Neighborhood social cohesion and dementia-related stigma among mothers of adolescents in the pre- and current COVID-19 period: An observational study using population-based cohort data)

4.コロナ禍でのヤングケアラーの孤立と心の健康の悪化 英国コホート研究のデータを用いたコロナ前との比較

(Adolescent Carers' Psychological Symptoms and Mental Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Study Using Data From the UK Millennium Cohort Study)




nakanishi-mh*tohoku.ac.jp (*を@に置き換えてください)