東北大脳科学GCOE Topics


東北大学脳科学GCOEセミナー(Franck Polleux, Ph.D. 3/8)開催のお知らせ

■日時 2012年 3月8日(木)16:30〜17:30
■会場 星陵キャンパス・1号館 大会議室
■演者 Franck Polleux, Ph.D.
(The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California)
■演題 Signaling pathways underlying neuronal polarization and axon morphogenesis in vivo.

Williams T*., Courchet J.*, Viollet B., Brenman J.E., Polleux F. (2011)
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity is not required for neuronal development but regulates axogenesis during metabolic stress.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108:5849-54.

Yi J.J., Barnes A.P., Hand R., Polleux F. and Ehlers M.D. (2010)
TGFβ signaling specifies axons during brain development.
Cell 142:144-57.

Guerrier S., Coutinho-Budd J., Sassa T., Vincent-Jordan N., Frost A., and Polleux F. (2009)
The F-BAR domain of srGAP2 induces membrane protrusions required for neuronal migration and morphogenesis.
Cell 138:990-1004.

Barnes A.P., Lilley B., Pan, A. Plummer L, Powell A., Raines, A, Sanes J.R., Polleux F. (2007)
LKB1 and SAD kinases define a pathway required for the polarization of cortical neurons.
Cell 129 :549-563.

Hand R*, Bortone D*, Mattar P, N’Guyen L, Heng JI-T, Guerrier S, Boutt E, Peters E, Barnes, AP, Parras C, Schuurmans C, Guillemot F and Polleux F. (2005)
Phosphorylation of Neurogenin2 specifies the migration properties and the dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurons in the neocortex.
Neuron 48:45-62.

連絡先:創生応用医学研究センター 発生発達神経科学分野 (大隅典子) 内線8203

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