

  • 前頭葉
  • 頭頂葉
  • 運動野
  • 随意運動
  • 認知機能
  • 局所脳回路
  • 光操作技術
  • 多点計測技術



  • Sakai, JuroProfessor. 酒井 寿郎 教授 (兼任)

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Ohshiro, Tomokazu
    Assistant Prof. 大城 朝一 助教
  • Watanabe, Hidenori
    Assistant Prof. 渡辺 秀典 助教




Mission of our laboratory is to understand cognitive functions from neurons. Especially we are interested in how the brain regulates behavior such as voluntary motor control, sequencing multiple movements, memory-guided and sensory-guided behaviors. Multichannel recording, optogenetic manipulations, and optical imaging technique allow us to examine how higher-cognitive functions emerge through interactions of neurons while animals are engaged in cognitive tasks. Our main targets are frontal motor areas and prefrontal areas.
Brain is dynamically organized structures and shows wide range of oscillations while animals are involved in various behavior tasks and in various brain states. We studied how brain oscillations emerge and interact with each other through multichannel recordings with optogenetic interventions in transgenic animals. Our main targets are beta-gamma oscillations and their relationship with behaviors.
We also develop innovative multichannel electrode in collaboration with medical engineering department. Optical up conversion technique allow us to stimulate targeti n depth of the brain through infrared light. We tried to introduce silicon-based and more flexible type of electrodes in multichannel recording. In human subjects, we tried to develop gaze-monitoring devices and pupil size monitoring devices to detect shift of attention and tones of autonomic systems.
Finally we are interested in how brain science is applied to education especially fostering non-cognitive skills such as communication skills.


  • Problem-solving behavior and optogenetic multi-channel recording

  • Cortical local circuits (GABAergic neurons) and oscillation phenomena


Watanabe H, et al. Forelimb movements evoked by optogenetic stimulation of the macaque motor cortex. Nature Communications. 11(1), 3253 2020

Northoff G, Mushiake H. Why context matters? Divisive normalization and canonical microcircuits in psychiatric disorders. Neuroscience Research. 156, 130-140 2020

Okuyama S, Kuki T, Mushiake H, Representation of the Numerosity 'zero' in the Parietal Cortex of the Monkey. Scientific Reports. 5, 10059, 2015,

Kawaguchi N, et al. Surprise Signals in the Supplementary Eye Field: Rectified Prediction Errors Drive Exploration-Exploitation Transitions. J Neurophysiol. 113:1001-14, 2015

Mita A, et al, Interval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas. Nature Neuroscience, 12(4), 502-507, 2009,

虫明 元. 前頭葉のしくみ:からだ・心・社会をつなぐネットワー,
共立出版 xiv, 253p 201, ISBN 9784320057982

虫明 元 学ぶ脳—ぼんやりにこそ意味がある,
岩波書店2018 ISBN 4000296728
