


Data Scientists in Healthcare in Demand Worldwide
~Learn practical skills in both practical work and research~

Public Health
医学情報学分野 教授
Department of Medical Informatics Professor
中山 雅晴
Masaharu Nakayama

中山 雅晴


Gathering high-quality data efficiently from clinical practice


ご存知の通り、ビッグデータや人工知能(AI)という言葉を聞かない日はないと思います。それは医療の分野にもいえ、膨大な医療データを活用する、人工知能を応用する、そしてよりよい医療を目指す。そういったことが望まれている時代です。機械学習のように人工知能の応用はかなり身近なものになっており、少し調べれば誰でもできるようになってきています。しかしながら、どんなに手法が整っていても、正しいデータからでしか正しい結論は導き出せません。Garbage in, garbage out (使えないデータからは使えないものしか出ない)という言葉があるのですが、我々が主眼としているのは、どれだけ使えるデータ対象を広げるか、どれだけデータのクオリティを高められるか、どのように現場からデータを効率的に集められるか、ということです。その目標に到達できるための手段を研究し、実践へと繋げています。

●What is your research summary?

As the department name implies, my team deals with data related to medical care. Because I serve concurrently as the director of the Medical IT Center (MITC) of Tohoku University Hospital, we are responsible for the practical work in MITC in addition to conducting research on data utilization, which is a unique feature of our research in this department. Our research field covers electronic medical records, health information exchange systems, applications, databases, cloud computing, data analysis, and data management.
As you know, not a day goes by without hearing the words like big data and artificial intelligence (AI). This is true in the field of medicine; what is desired now is to improve efficiency and quality of healthcare services through utilizing health big data and applying AI to clinical practice. The application of AI (including machine learning) to medicine is widespread these days, and anyone can use the techniques if they take a little time to learn them. However, no matter how well developed the methodology is, we cannot draw right conclusions from bad data. There’s a saying “Garbage in, garbage out,” which means if you enter bad data into an algorithm, you will get bad data as output. With the phrase in mind, we focus on expanding the range of data we can use, improving the quality of data, and collecting data efficiently from clinical practice. To achieve these aims, we conduct our research and put its results into practice.



●What’s the atmosphere like in your department?

My team is often busy because I take on a lot of work, but each member works efficiently and deals with problems flexibly in cooperation with each other, which I think is one of the strengths of our department. I always appreciate their efforts and help


We welcome people who think by themselves and like to be proactive in working.


「データサイエンティストは21世紀で最もセクシーな職業」とHarvard Business Reviewは2012年に紹介しました。実際、時の仕事となっており、世界的にその人材育成が急務です。各分野に望まれるのですが、とりわけ医療というのは門外漢には敷居が高いため、圧倒的に人材が不足しています。上述しましたが、データ解析の前にデータクレンジングという作業が最も重要です。質の高いデータを提供するために必要な、実践的なスキルや考え方を学びませんか。自ら考え、手を積極的に動かすことが好きな人を歓迎します。

●Do you have a message for prospective students, including what you expect from them?

In 2012, Harvard Business Review described data scientists as “the sexiest profession of the 21st century.” In fact, the job has come under the spotlight these days, and it is urgently required worldwide to train data scientists in all fields. And the field of medicine, where a high degree of expertise is needed, is suffering of an acute shortage of such data professionals. As I mentioned above, one of the important tasks for researchers to do before data analysis is data cleansing. We welcome students who want to learn practical skills and approaches required to provide high-quality data.



●What career paths are available after completing the program? What are the graduates doing well?

I became the professor of this department in 2016 and began to accept graduate students in the following year. Our graduates are now working as university faculty. We are gradually increasing the number of students in our department, as our setup is finally in place. There is a great demand for medical IT, so we would like to focus on on-the-job training so that our graduates can become immediately competitive in their professional field.



●Is it possible to study while working in a hospital or company?

We would like to train people to handle both practical work and research, and from the viewpoint, working adults are welcome to join our department. We will support such people who cope with both their work and research.



●What are the advantages of Tohoku University?

Talking with people from other parts of Japan makes me realize once again how good a reputation Tohoku University has. A well-balanced, multidisciplinary coverage of research fields, human resources, and regional characteristics work well together to form a unique brand of this university.  I also feel that many of the researchers of this university seem to do what they need in a natural way, without being overeager. Sendai is a very comfortable place to live and has a good environment to devote to research.



I love baseball. I can talk about it for hours even when I'm a sober state. Fortunately, all of my family members love baseball, so we used to go and cheer for the Eagles altogether. I also like high school baseball, so my family's trip to Kansai became a pretty biased plan to go to Koshien in the summer without paying any attention to any other place such as USJ.
My study abroad destination was Boston, which is home of a baseball team Red Sox and is famous for its enthusiastic fans. My family used to watch the games on TV every day and cheered for the team at the stadium (Fenway Park) at least once a month. We also spent my wife's birthday at the ballpark during my last year of studying abroad. I'm proud to say that I put out a birthday message on the scoreboard.


Public Health
医学情報学分野 教授
Department of Medical Informatics Professor
中山 雅晴
Masaharu Nakayama


He graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine in 1994, and completed his studies at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in 2000. After working as a researcher at the Beth Israel Deaconus Medical Center at Harvard University, he joined the Department of Cardiology at Tohoku University Hospital in 2004, where he was Deputy Director of the Medical IT Center in April 2013, and has been a professor at the Tohoku University International Research Institute for Disaster Science since October 2013. He has been a Professor of Medical Informatics, Graduate School of Medicine, and Director of Medical IT Center, Tohoku University Hospital since 2016.




msi*med.tohoku.ac.jp (「*」を「@」に変換してください)