



Development of Human Resource Leading Sustainable Medical Science and Healthcare by Healthcare-Specific AI Education

Medical Science
AIフロンティア新医療創生分野 教授
Department of Frontier Studies of Medical AI Professor
田宮 元
Gen Tamiya

田宮 元


Aim for Construction of Sustainable Healthcare in the Society by Utilizing Big Data



●What is the outline of the study?

We identify genes, lifestyles and their interaction affecting diseases and health conditions by analyzing big data such as genomic cohorts/biobanks with most advanced mathematical methods including AI and machine learning technology, contributing to develop sustainable healthcare.
Our principal research theme is identification of disease-related or trait-related genes, lifestyles and their interaction by using data from large-scale genome cohorts/biobanks. With this, we estimate risk for disease development and apply them to implementation for genomic checkup and development for precision medicine etc. Additionally, clinical sequencing analysis of rare diseases and cancer, and application of AI to differential diagnosis of those diseases are also our themes.


The Work Environment that members with various expertise respect the knowledge and experiences of others and enable to concentrate their effort on research



●How is the atmosphere of the laboratory?

Our laboratory closely coordinates with Department of Statistical Genomics and Genetics in Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization and Statistical Genetic Team of RIKEN Center of Advanced Intelligent Project, whose leader is me, Gen Tamiya. We can do the studies with scale and accuracy which other institutes cannot have by introducing one of the best supercomputers in the field of life sciences. We also do collaborative research to applicate technologies with pharmaceutical companies and information companies.
In the laboratory, there are experts of AI, machine learning technology, genomic science and statistical genetics, computer programmers, data scientists, medical doctors and graduate students. They work together beyond their specialties and achieve cutting-edge results. Respecting knowledge and experiences of others among various specialties is recommended. In addition, all members can maximize their research time.


The New Education Program Has Been Started in April 2021 in Order to Develop Human Resources Leading,Next-Generation Medical Science and Healthcare




●Please give some messages for college applicants including what you expect from them.

We want them to aim to resolve intrinsic problems and to bring original and critical results. Each technology and knowledge become old quickly and be renovated, thus, they should always look five or ten years ahead and develop new fields actively.

In April 2021, Tohoku University School of Medicine is going to start “The Education Hub to Develop Human Resources ‘Cutting-Edge Research and Development of AI to Solve Global and Local Medical Issue’” program as one of “The Industry-Academia Collaboration Project to Develop Human Resources to Accelerate Research and Development of AI in the Healthcare Field” of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The character of this education program is to educate medical personnel about medical-specific AI, and only two institutes designated as hubs. Especially, the program of Tohoku University establishes the curriculum considering not only popular technologies nowadays, but also technologies in next generation. Applicants should utilize this new program actively and lead sustainable medical science and healthcare in next generation.


The New Laboratory with Researchers with Careers at Home and Abroad



●What career paths are available after graduation? How do alumni work?

Our laboratory established this year and does not have alumni. Of Department of Statistical Genomics and Genetics and Statistical Genetic Team of RIKEN Center of Advanced Intelligent Project, alumni work as faculty members at national universities and researchers of a biobank in Europe. Companies often ask us to introduce some members, however, we have only few candidates and we have no choice but to decline such requests.



●Is it possible to study with working at a company and a hospital?

There is the system to accept those students. Since connections with real world including hospitals and companies always give your studies new viewpoints, students should emphasize them. Especially, clinical work is very hard, however, it will give important hints and we encourage to continue it as long as possible.


The University that Can Learn Medical Research for the Future



●What are the good points of Tohoku University?

It is the only university that have the biggest modern genomic cohort/biobank in Japan, extensive supercomputer environment, world-scale researchers, and can learn medical research for the future.



The only hobby is to read research papers carefully. To prevent information indigestion, I consider contents of papers enough with taking a walk after reading. I value this time. There are many appropriate places to do so which have quiet and nature-rich environment in Sendai, and I prefer them.

Medical Science
AIフロンティア新医療創生分野 教授
Department of Frontier Studies of Medical AI Professor
田宮 元
Gen Tamiya

ゲノム遺伝統計学分野教授。リスク統計解析室長。データクリーニング室長。アレイ解析室 副室長。GWASセンター長。ゲノムプラットフォーム連携センター 副センター長。
名古屋大学大学院理学研究科修了(理学博士)、東海大学医学部助手、同助教授、産業技術総合研究所研究員、徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部特任教授、山形大学医学部教授を経て、2013年より現職。他に、東京大学大学院医学系研究科非常勤講師、山形大学医学部非常勤講師、理化学研究所 遺伝統計学チーム チームリーダー(20173月~)など。専門は、人類遺伝学、遺伝統計学、ゲノム科学。

He is in following posts: Professor of Department of Statistical Genomics and Genetics; Group Leader of Disease Risk Prediction; Group Leader of Data Cleaning; Deputy Group Leader of Microarray-based Genotyping Analysis; Center Director of Genome-Wide Association Study; Deputy Center Director of Genome Platform Projects.

He graduated from Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University and got doctor degree of science. He experienced following posts: Assistant Professor at Tokai University; Associate Professor at Tokai University; Researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Project Appointed Professor of Department of Health Bioscience, Tokushima University; Professor at Yamagata University. He is in current post from 2013. He is also the Part-Time Lecturer at Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Part-Time Lecturer at Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine and Leader of RIKEN Statistical Genetic Team (from March 2017). He majors in human genetics, statistical genetics, and genomic science.

