


Empowering Lives, Embracing Challenges: Overcoming Intractable Diseases and Disabilities

Disability Sciences
臨床障害学分野 講師
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Senior Lecturer
鈴木 直輝
Naoki Suzuki

鈴木 直輝




●Please describe the outline of your research.

Rehabilitation Medicine is an academic field that assists individuals with disabilities in living their lives to the fullest. It encompasses a wide range of diseases, covering almost all illnesses. Furthermore, it extends beyond the boundaries of diseases to include aspects such as sarcopenia due to aging and disabled sports, addressing all aspects of human activity. The assistance provided varies greatly, from addressing the individual needs of each patient in collaboration with multiple disciplines to developing new treatment methods for patients ten years from now, both of which are important.
In the field of Rehabilitation Medicine, clinical research focuses on disabilities such as limb amputations and internal disorders like respiratory, circulatory, and renal conditions. My background lies in Neurology, specializing in neuromuscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Neuromuscular diseases are undoubtedly important targets from a rehabilitation perspective as well. I aim to advance pathophysiological understanding by utilizing cutting-edge analytical techniques such as proximity labeling, proteomics, spatial transcriptome analysis, and ribosome profiling, employing bioresources such as patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells and myoblasts. At Tohoku University, we have succeeded in creating the world’s first replenishment therapy for distal myopathy, highlighting the importance of integrating novel therapies with advanced rehabilitation such as new drugs combined with robotic rehabilitation. My goal is to tackle rare diseases, pave the way for solutions, and create a society where individuals with disabilities can live comfortably.




●What is the atmosphere like in your laboratory?

In April 2023, “Department of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Science” and “Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation” has been integrated into the one Rehabilitation Department, forming a comprehensive unit suitable for examining the entire body. Additionally, the name of the Department at the Graduate school was changed to “Department of Rehabilitation Medicine” in April 2024, with a total of 16 graduate students studying in both the master’s and doctoral programs. Their research interests span various areas, from clinical studies such as movement analysis, taste/swallowing, circulation/respiratory to molecular pathophysiology research on skeletal muscles. Graduate students respectfully discuss their research topics, work with their supervisors to refine research questions, and steadily advance their studies step by step.
From professors to graduate students, we share the same room, fostering a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where anyone can engage in conversation at any time. The laboratory is also culturally diverse, with international students from countries like China etc, fostering cultural exchange through activities such as cooking classes featuring dishes from their respective regions. This laboratory truly embodies Tohoku University’s principles of “Research First”, “Open-Doors”, and “Practice-Oriented Research and Education”.



●What is your message to prospective students, including what you expect from them?

It’s crucial to thoroughly contemplate what questions you wish to tackle. In clinical research, it’s essential to understand how answering your question could alter clinical practices. In basic research, pondering the potential advancements your findings could bring to medicine over the next decade is paramount. At Tohoku University, there are abundant opportunities for collaborative research both internally and externally. With the right approach, you can embark on research that is unparalleled worldwide. Let’s work together to cultivate the seeds of research and pioneer groundbreaking studies.




●What kind of career paths are available after completion of the program? How are graduates active?

Work is just one component of life, but it occupies a significant portion, so it’s important to make it something truly enjoyable. Research at the graduate school provides opportunities to delve deeply into topics like never before. Through deep contemplation, work that might have seemed mundane regains its sparkle. The experience of deep thinking is invaluable for facing challenges after graduation. Even for those who go on to excel in clinical roles as physicians or physical and occupational therapists, the methodologies learned through research will prove beneficial. Among graduates, some may return to clinical practice, while others may become educators, join companies, or pursue careers as dedicated researchers. Paths may vary, but we aim to cultivate individuals with a research mindset capable of taking on leadership roles.



●Is it possible to study while working at a hospital or company?

It’s possible. Some graduate students diligently collect and analyze clinical data while working at hospitals, and actively engage in writing papers and presenting at academic conferences. There’s also a style where students pursue their degrees through collaborative research with companies. However, time dedicated to deeply contemplating a single topic is precious in life, so we recommend spending a consolidated period of 4 years in our department. Even in that case, it’s possible to maintain clinical acumen by continuing to support clinical work for about five days a month.




●What is the best thing about Tohoku University?

Within walking distance of the Seiryo Campus, you’ll find various departments of the School of Medicine, the University Hospital, the Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, and the Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer. Additionally, the Katahira and Aobayama Campuses boast world-class laboratories. We anticipate that Tohoku University will be the University for International Research Excellence, fostering increased collaboration with domestic and international partners and fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. Situated approximately 400 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, Sendai, where Tohoku University is located, reminds me of the relationship between Boston and New York, where I studied abroad. Sendai is a beautiful city with abundant greenery, just the right size, allowing for focused research while brimming with youthful energy. It offers excellent access to major metropolitan areas, making it a fantastic environment to live and work in.



●For those interested in our lab

The field of Rehabilitation Medicine is a blue ocean. With the multitude of target disorders and diverse approaches available, there’s an infinite number of research themes waiting to be explored. In this vast landscape, it’s crucial to encounter significant challenges and formulate hypotheses at an appropriate level of granularity. The experience of sweating over research questions will undoubtedly become a source of strength for your future work in clinical practice. Feeling the growth of graduate students brings us immense joy as well. We’re eagerly awaiting companions who will join us in pondering and deliberating together.

  • 写真1ALS疾患iPSを用いた軸索異常分岐の発見(Discovery of Axonal Abnormal Branching Using ALS Disease iPS Cells)
  • 写真2ジストロフィーの膜修復改善治療(Membrane Repair Enhancement Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy)
  • 写真3細胞・動物のリソースの活用(Cellular and animal resource utilization)
  • 写真4ロボット療法HAL(Robot therapy HAL(Hybrid Assistive Limb))
  • 写真5リハビリテーション科集合写真2024(Group Photo)
  • 写真6臨床障害学 歓迎会2024(Welcome Party 2024)


子どもの頃はペットのヒヨコが野良猫に食べられたのがトラウマでしたが、いつの間にか猫好きになりました。留学も2匹の猫と一緒に渡米しました。うち1匹は脳原発性悪性リンパ腫という希少がんで亡くなり、神経科学者の飼い猫らしい最期でした。愛用している往診バックにも「No Cats, No Life」と書いてあります。

When I was a child, I had a traumatic experience when a stray cat ate my pet chick “Pi-chan”, but somehow I grew to love cats. I even took two cats with me when I studied abroad in the United States. One of them passed away from a rare cancer called primary central nervous system lymphoma, which was a fitting end for a neuroscientist's cat. I even have "No Cats, No Life" written on my favorite house-call bag.


Disability Sciences
臨床障害学分野 講師
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Senior Lecturer
鈴木 直輝
Naoki Suzuki


Graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine in 2001, conducted research on the molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy as a graduate student at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, National Institute of Neuroscience in 2004. Worked at the Department of Neurology, Tohoku University Hospital from 2007. Served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Eggan Lab, focusing on the pathogenesis of ALS in 2011. Returned to Tohoku University Hospital in 2014. Worked at the Shodo-kai Southern Tohoku General Hospital in 2019. Engaged in clinical and basic research on neuromuscular diseases. Contributed to the development of the world's first ultra-orphan drug for distal myopathy. Since April 2024, has been a senior lecturer in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.

1.ALSの軸索病態(Axon pathology in ALS)
3.ALSの運動ニューロン選択的変性(Selective motor neuron loss in ALS)
4.遠位型ミオパチーの世界初のウルトラオーファンドラッグ承認(Ultra-orphan drug for distal myopathy)


筋ジストロフィー・封入体筋炎・遠位型ミオパチーやALSなどの神経筋疾患の病態・治療研究、サルコペニア・筋萎縮・筋肥大など骨格筋生物学、リハビリテーション医学に関する臨床研究、これら以外でも自由な発想でBig Questionに取り組みたい方、ぜひご連絡ください。

If you're interested in pathophysiology and treatment research on neuromuscular disorders such as muscular dystrophy, inclusion body myositis, distal myopathy, and ALS, as well as clinical/basic research on skeletal muscle biology including sarcopenia, muscle atrophy, and muscle hypertrophy, or rehabilitation medicine, we welcome those with a free-thinking approach to tackle Big Questions in these areas. Please feel free to reach out to us.
