Entering a new environment across the seas
with strong feelings about the potential of rehabilitation and desire to study
professionally – working hard each day in the belief that struggles lead to chances to grow
While I was at university in China I strongly felt the potential of rehabilitation as a way to assist in overcoming the problems people face as a result of disabilities and illnesses and enabling them to lead better lives. This is not merely a question of improving the health and quality of life (QOL) of individuals but also deeply connects with social inclusion and welfare. I became fascinated with the potential of the field, and decided to focus on more specialized research in the area of rehabilitation. I thought that at the Graduate School I would gain the opportunity to encounter more sophisticated techniques and approaches, tackle more complex issues, and hone my research skills and knowledge. I felt that by receiving instruction in person from researchers active in the rehabilitation field and coming into touch with their ample experience and powers of observation I would be able to broaden my own horizons and develop my specialist knowledge into something more practical. I entered the Graduate School in the belief that through new knowledge and experiences I would be able to come to know myself better, grow, and search for a path of self-realization.
It is challenging to study in a new environment but at the same time very fulfilling. By encountering new academic disciplines and research themes, and interacting with fellow students and specialists with the same orientations I have gained new perspectives and ideas, and all these are linked in with my personal growth. Moreover, despite many difficulties such as Japanese medical terms I strongly believe that struggles are also chances. Adversities stimulate curiosity and enthusiasm to study, they push you on to explore, learn, and make progress. I fully believe that by striving to overcome difficulties I will grow more and can become a better medical practitioner.
My research theme is “Investigation of the Effect of Taste Recall Training on Five Taste .” Sense of taste is fundamentally divided into sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (savory). Different senses of taste are useful in helping the body to distinguish nutritional and toxic substances. Taste sensitivity can exert an impact on eating behavior, amounts of food consumed, and chronic diseases related to eating. Since the prevalence of systemic diseases and drug consumption among the elderly are high, it is said that they have a high likelihood of suffering from dysgeusia. Moreover, dysgeusia has been identified as one of the symptoms of COVID-19. Dysgeusia can cause mental suffering and lower quality of life. Previous studies have indicated that it can in particular lead to weight loss and health damage among elderly people. As the ageing society continues it is predicted that there will be an increase in the number of people affected by dysgeusia, and it is considered that searching for effective treatment methods is a matter of urgency. I think that through taste recall training dysgeusia can be alleviated and people’s QOL improved.
研究室は常に活気にあふれています。学生たちはお互いをサポートし合い、共に成長しようとする姿勢が感じられます。この協力の精神は、チーム全体の結束力を高め、素晴らしいチームワークを生み出しています。このような環境にいることで、自分自身の可能性を最大限に発揮し、常に学び続け、向上し続けることができると確信しています。毎週の抄読会やRIP(Research in Progress)は、私たちが日々直面する問題について深く考える機会を提供してくれます。これらの活動を通じて、学問の視野を広げ、批判的思考力を養い、研究スキルを向上できると思っています。また、研究室内では、さまざまな分野にわたる質の高い研究が行われています。内部障害学だけでなく、医学、薬学、老年学、障害科学、社会学など、多岐にわたる専門分野が統合されています。研究室には最新の臨床研究検査機器や介入装置が完備されていて、豊富な統計手法が利用可能です。これらの設備や技術の存在は、私たちの研究活動を支え、より効果的な成果を生み出すための重要な要素となっています。私も研究室のプロジェクトに貢献し、その成果を共に築いていけることを心待ちにしています。
The laboratory is always a vibrant place. The students help each other, and I feel a sense of wishing to grow together. This cooperative spirit enhances the solidarity of the team, and leads to fantastic teamwork. I believe that being in this sort of environment enables me to maximize my potential, and continue to constantly study and improve. The weekly journal club meetings and research-in-progress (RIP) sessions provide us with opportunities to think deeply about the issues confronting us each day. Through all these activities I believe that I am able to broaden my academic horizons, nurture in myself a critical way of thinking and improve my research skills. Furthermore, high-quality research in all sorts of fields is being conducted in the laboratory. A wide range of specialist fields are integrated including not only internal medicine and rehabilitation science but medicine, pharmacology, gerontology, disability sciences and sociology. The laboratory is fully equipped with the latest clinical testing equipment and intervention devices and an abundance of statistical methods can be used. The availability of this equipment and technology is a support to our research work, and an important factor in arriving at more effective results. I am really looking forward to contributing to the laboratory’s projects and creating results together.
Tohoku University is famed as formerly being an Imperial University, and in addition to the obvious fact that it is more famous than other universities, it achieves excellent results in research fields, and is drawing worldwide attention. It is evident that the university as a whole puts an enormous amount of effort into research, the adequacy of research facilities is high, and this is one of the factors behind the enrichment of the international interaction and overseas study support systems. The content of research is also another attraction of Tohoku University, with the research related to medicine being particularly fulfilling. In addition, there is ample material in the libraries, which is a major support when students approach their research. Tohoku University is a place where highly talented students with a diverse range of interests come together, and provides an environment enabling them to encourage each other to polish their abilities. I felt that the university’s policies of “research-first, practice orientated research and education, and open door ” all match with my own ambitions and targets, and this is what made me decide to try to learn and grow at Tohoku University. Overall, Tohoku University is a highly attractive university in terms of its recognition level, the quality of research, the enriching nature of the educational content, the excellence of the student environment, and more. I am sincerely looking forward to studying and growing at the university.
Based on my research experience and academic interests, in the future I would like to pursue deeper knowledge and conduct my own independent research. I am aiming to acquire sophisticated specialist knowledge and research methods in my field of specialization, and to contribute to rehabilitation medicine. Specifically, I want to produce significant results that contribute to society through rehabilitation medicine research. My target is to make a contribution to the development of new therapy methods and support measures in response to the varied disabilities that are increasing in our current society. In order to do so it is essential that I improve my research methods and data analysis skills. I am aiming to continue research in the rehabilitation medicine field and polish my skills to produce innovative results.
In recent years, the proportion of internal medicine and rehabilitation science studies has increased due to the aging of the population and the rise in arteriosclerotic diseases. In the course of conducting rehabilitation for elderly people in clinical settings I too have gained a sense that there are many people with internal disorders. Japan’s internal medicine and rehabilitation science is rapidly developing with Tohoku University at the center. The laboratory at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tohoku University, is the first and only of its kind in Japan, and it conducts research pertaining to internal medicine and rehabilitation science. I want to lean in a research environment with leadership like this, utilize research resources, and contribute to research into advanced rehabilitation. Furthermore, I found out that Professor Satoru Ebihara was involved in internal medicine and rehabilitation science research after reading one of his academic papers. Professor Ebihara’s interest in and concerns regarding research matched my own research ambitions, and I applied to enter the Tohoku University Graduate School because I wanted to receive instruction under him. With this richly experienced team of teachers and advanced research environment I aim to deepen my research into internal medicine and rehabilitation science and make a contribution to society.
Sendai is a city surrounded by much attractive natural scenery such as Matsushima, Okama and Asahiyama. In the spring there are cherry blossoms in full bloom, in the summer the cool riverside scenery, in autumn the changing colors of the leaves, and in the winter, snowy landscapes; the beautiful and differing scenes throughout the four seasons are a great attraction. Sendai is also favored with convenient facilities, shopping malls, leisure facilities and advanced healthcare systems. It is a city that caters for all the needs in daily life. Every time I go for a walk in the city I feel that people respect the environment, and that orderly customs are being maintained, which raises my spirits. Another thing that has impressed me as that the sorting of garbage is very thorough in Sendai. This leads to the effective recycling of resources and reduces adverse impacts on the environment. The people of Sendai are also kind, treat you with sincerity and friendliness, and are always pleased to help you. They always welcome me with a smile and warm words in both daily life and in unaccustomed situations.
On my days off I enjoy looking around the French cake shops in the vicinity of the Seiryo Campus. When you go into the shops with their sweet aroma, the freshly baked financiers and the cream puffs bulging with cream are all beautifully laid out in rows. I like that fact that whichever shop you go to they all have their own unique tastes. For example, the cream puffs luxuriously filled with custard cream and wrapped in soft pastry. Just one bite and your mouth is filled with melting cream, a blissful moment! The freshly baked financiers are so aromatic, too.
I also like to climb in the mountains and feel at one with nature. As you walk between the blue-green mountains your cheeks are gently stroked by fresh breezes. When I reach the peak a 360-degree panorama stretches out before me, and I feel calm and released from the buzz of the city. Climbing a mountain I hear the pleasant sounds of my feet treading the ground and the birds singing, and I gain a wonderful sense of calm while gazing across the beautiful landscapes. I feel that putting myself into contact with nature makes the stress and fatigue of daily life disappear. After I have descended a mountain I feel recharged and ready to approach daily life in a forward-looking frame of mind.
中国江蘇省出身。2020年7月、徐州医科大学リハビリテーション治療専攻を卒業。2020年8年から上海交通大学附属同仁病院で働く。中国理学療法士の国家資格を取得後、2023年10月に研究生として東北大学に入学。2024年4月、東北大学大学院医学系研究科障害科学専攻 臨床障害学分野の博士前期課程に進学。
I was born in Jiangsu Province, China, I graduated from Xuzhou Medical University in July 2020, majoring in rehabilitation, and worked at the Tongren Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine since August 2020. After obtaining national certification as a physical therapist in China, I entered Tohoku University as a non-degree research student in October 2023, and in April 2024, went on to the Master's course at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Disability Sciences Major, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine.