


Pursuing evidence
to support women's and families' health
from multiple perspectives

Health Sciences
ウィメンズヘルス・周産期看護学分野 准教授
Department of Women's Health and Midwifery Associate Professor
中村 康香
Yasuka Nakamura

中村 康香


Challenging women’s health research to Enhance the Radiance of Health in all women


ウィメンズヘルス・周産期看護学分野では、『すべての女性が耀くためのウィメンズヘルス研究に挑む~次世代の育成に向けた新しい支援の開発~』をスローガンに掲げています。女性がますます輝く時代を目指して、健康という側面からの研究・教育や、男女がワークのみならず、ライフ(子育て、介護)の部分を充実させるにはどうすれば良いのか、時代のニーズをとらえた研究・教育を行っています。また、実践科学である看護学から研究成果を活かし、海外の大学とも連携しWomen’s Healthというひとつの大きな領域で、世界に通じるエビデンスに基づいた実践と知の蓄積に貢献ができるよう努めています。

●What is your research summary?

The slogan of the Department of Women’s Health and Midwifery is “Challenging Women’s Health Research to Enhance the Radiance of Health in All Women: Innovations in Nursing for the Next Generation”. For that, we conduct research and education that captures current needs, such as not only to address working issues for men and women, but also to enhance their lives in other areas (child rearing, nursing care) In addition, we strive to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and practice based on evidence in Women’s Health area, in collaboration with overseas universities, utilizing research results from nursing science.
Our department covers various topics. Although you can get more details if you visit our website,  , we mainly focus on men’s ability of childcare and caregiving, reproductive life planning, coparenting, physical activity in pregnancy, working pregnant women, child attachment, pregnancy comfort, postpartum pelvic floor care, voiding support, supporting menopause, lymphedema management, care for long-term bed rest during pregnancy, precision health, and the development and dissemination of midwifery techniques using nursing science and engineering.
My own current theme is to accumulate evidence that parents’ enjoying child-rearing together can lead to healthy growth and development of their children. The educational program is based on the program developed by Dr. Feinberg at Penn State University and we have advise about the research project from him.
In addition, women’s empowerment leads to increase pregnant women while working. We are engaged in research project that leads to support for working women to work vigorously without retiring, and research  to support women to stay healthy and active during their pregnancy.


We learn from each other with a free-thinking. Men are also welcome!



●What is the atmosphere in your department?

The atmosphere is very friendly and fun. We exchange frank opinions about research ideas and future plans, research plans, interpretation of results, presentations, and various other topics among graduate students and faculty members. Sometimes the discussions get heated, but at the end of the seminar, we are talking with smiles on our faces. Breaking stereotypical views we learn from each other with a free-thinking. Sometimes our imaginations runs too much, but that’s part of the fun. Recently, despite the name of our field of study, we have been doing a lot of research on men, and we are hoping for more male graduate students to join us.


Pursuing an inquisitive mind based on your own beliefs.



●Please give a message to prospective students, including what you expect from them.

In the Department of Women’s Health and Midwifery, a variety of faculty members are conducting research on a variety of topics. We hope that students who are going on to graduate school will also have your own themes and pursue your minds. There may be tough and hardships in graduate school. The time you can devote yourself to your research is valuable, and everything you learn in there will be source of your growth. The members of the department are not adversaries, but friends who support each other, and I hope that you will argue as much as you are satisfied. If you have a desire to learn on your own, we would like to support you in this endeavor.


Aiming to be a front-line nursing administrator



●What career paths are available after completing the program? What are the graduates doing well?

So far, the graduates of the Women’s Health and Midwifery department have become faculty members at universities and nursing training institutions, midwives, nurses, public health nurses, and clinical site managers. The member who entered the undergraduate school often go into clinical settings, and they contribute as an excellent personnel in clinical research area



●Is it possible to study while working at a hospital or in a company?

We offer a flexible course schedule that allows working students to attend lectures at later times or online.
There are many working students who have studied as graduate students while working as professors at educational institutions such as universities and junior colleges. It might not be easy to study while working at clinical settings, and even if you take advantage of a long-term program, you will need a period of three to six months to concentrate on writing your thesis. For example, you may have to take two years absence from work for your studies, or you may need to arrange with your employer to take all of your paid leave at once to write your thesis. Therefore, if possible, we recommend that you take a certain amount of time to concentrate on your research.


In nature and culture of Sendai, keeping the spirit of the school’s founding in mind



●What are the advantages of Tohoku University?

Tohoku University has three philosophies: ‘Open Doors’, ‘Research First’, and ‘Practice Oriented Research and Education’. In order to achieve these three philosophies, Tohoku University has an excellent learning environment. Of course, as a comprehensive university, you will have opportunities to participate in lectures and seminars offered by researchers in various fields, which will deepen your interdisciplinary learning and expand your own ideas and interpretation of the world. Also, Sendai, where Tohoku University is located, is a very comfortable place to live. Various events are held in each season, and students can enjoy nature and culture.



Since I came to Sendai, I have had two children, and I've had to balance research with home and childcare. I have come to work while thinking about how to use my time and what my priorities are, which is a good thing, but it also reduces my own time dramatically. I often have to leave the house to attend conferences in Japan and abroad, and I enjoy the  sleeping time  without my children kicking me out. Also, I often take my children to conferences one after another. When my child was crying , I held her in my arms while I gave a poster presentation. As they slowly learn to understand, I explain the poster to them. They listen to me possibly with companionship though I am not quite sure if my children understand or not.  As such, I spend a lot of time with my children while also doing my work. Of course, I am supported by my supervisors, colleagues, and graduate students in the department, and I am always grateful and thankful to the people around me.


Health Sciences
ウィメンズヘルス・周産期看護学分野 准教授
Department of Women's Health and Midwifery Associate Professor
中村 康香
Yasuka Nakamura


In March 2007, she completed her doctoral course at the Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University. After working as a clinical and university faculty member, she has been in her current position at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine since 2007 and in 2018. In order to support pregnant women live more comfortable pregnancies, she focuses on positive aspects and physical activity during pregnancy, and conducts research on outpatients, hospitalized pregnant women, and working pregnant women. In addition, she is involved in the development of a coparenting program in which both husband and wife work together to raise children from pregnancy and to verify their effectiveness.





MAIL ynaka*tohoku.ac.jp (「*」を「@」に変換してください)