

  • Osumi N .
    科学技術系のキャリアパス:天職はどこにある?「生物工学会誌」別冊 キャリアパス生物工学研究者の進む道71-71.2009.
  • ・Wang H, Sugiyama Y, Hikima T, Sugano E, Tomita H, Takahashi T, Ishizuka T, and Yawo H.
    Molecular determinants differentiating photocurrent properties of two channelrhodopsins from chlamydomonas. J Biol Chem 284, 5685-5696.2009.PMID: 19103605
  • ・Nomura T, Hattori M, and Osumi N.
    Reelin, radial fibers and cortical evolution: insights from comparative analysis of the mammalian and avian telencephalon. Dev. Growth Differ. 51 (3), 287-297.2009.PMID: 19210541
  • ・Matsunaga E , and Osumi N.
    Phylogeny and Ontogeny of the Nervous System. Dev Growth Differ. 51(3).2009.
  • ・Ishibashi K, Kanno E, Itoh T, and Fukuda M.
    Identification and characterization of a novel Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) protein that possesses Rab3A-GAP activity. Genes Cells 14, 41-52.2009.PMID: 19077034
  • ・Tsukiura T, Suzuki C, Mochizuki-Kawai H, Shigemune Y, and Iijima T.
    Prefrontal and medial temporal contributions to episodic memory-based reasoning. Neurosci Res, Epub. doi :10.1016/j. neures. 2008.11.010.PMID: 19110014
  • Nakamura H, Sugiyama S, Sato T , and Suzuki-Hirano A.
    峡部オーガナイザーと小脳分化制御・視蓋極性形成および網膜視蓋投射形成 蛋白質核酸酵素 53, (4) 373-378.2008
  • ・Lukacsovich T, Hamada N, Miyazaki S, Kimpara A, and Yamamoto D.
    A new versatile gene-trap vector for insect transgenics. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol, 69:168-175.2009.PMID: 18949801
  • ・Itoh Takashi , and Fukuda Mitsunori.
    低分子量Gタンパク質Rabとエフェクター―その特異性と普遍性―. 蛋白質核酸酵素増刊号「メンブレントラフィックの奔流ー分子から細胞,そして個体へ」, 53 (16), 2065-2070.2008
  • ・Sato T, Hirono J, Hamana H, Ishikawa T, Shimizu A, Takashima I, Kajiwara R, and Iijima T.
    Architecture of odor information processing in the olfactory system. Anatomical Science Internationa, l 83:195-206.2008.PMID: 19159347
  • ・Sinozaki M , and Fukudo S.
    IBSと食物・睡眠・ストレス. The GI Forefront, 4:116-119.2008
  • ・Kanazawa M , and Fukudo S.
    過敏性腸症候群患者に対する絶食療法の有効性. 東北医誌, 120:125-127. 2008
  • Yawo H .
    Quantal transmission. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Eds. M. D. Binder et al.), Springer-Verlag GmbH, 4397pp.2008
  • Yamamoto D .
    Brain sex differences and function of the fruitless gene in Drosophila. J. Neurogenet.: iFirst 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/0167706802298491. 2008.PMID: 19012071
  • ・Iseki C, Kawanami T, Nagasawa H, Wada M, Koyama S, Kikuchi K, Arawaka S, Kurita K, Daimon M, Mori E , and Kato T.
    Asymptomatic ventriculomegaly with features of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus on MRI (AVIM) in the elderly: a prospective study in a Japanese population. J Neurol Sci. Feb 15; 277 (1-2): 54-7.2009.PMID: 18990411
  • ・Osoegawa M, Kira J, Fukazawa T, Fujihara K, Kikuchi S, Matsui M, Kohriyama T, Sobue G, Yamamura T, Itoyama Y, Saida T, Sakata K, Ochi H, and Matsuoka T.
    Temporal changes and geographical differences in multiple sclerosis phenotypes in Japanese: nationwide survey results over 30 years. Mult Scler, 5.2008.PMID: 18987106
  • ・Hamaguchi T, Fukudo S, Kanazawa M, Tomiie T, Shimizu K, Oyama M , and Sakurai K.
    Changes in salivary physiological stress markers induced by muscle stretching in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Biopsychosoc Med Nov, 4;2:20.2008.PMID: 18983682
  • ・Yonei-Tamura S, Abe G, Tanaka Y, Anno H, Noro M, Ide H, Aono H, Kuraishi R, Osumi N, Kuratani S, and Tamura K.
    Competent stripes for diverse positions of limbs/fins in gnathostome embryos. Evol Dev, 10:737-745.2008.PMID: 19021745
  • Tsutsui K .
    損得勘定する脳:金銭感覚の脳内機構. 神経心理学, 25(1) 20-29
  • ・Fujiwara J, Tobler PN, Taira M, Iijima T, and Tsutsui K.
    A parametric relief signal in human ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage, 44:1163-1170.2009.PMID: 18992349
  • ・Vinet AF, Fukuda M, and Descoteaux A.
    The exocytosis regulator Synaptotagmin V controls phagocytosis in macrophages. J Immunol, 181:5289-5295.2008.PMID: 18832684
  • Fukuda M .
    Rabファミリーと細胞内小胞輸送. 生体の科学, 59(5), 360-361.
  • Mushiake H, Tachibana K, Toshiro I , and Tanji J.
    運動学習―大脳皮質・基底核の観点から―. 総合リハビリテーション, 36, 10, 937-979. 2008.
  • ・Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, and Yokoyama S.
    Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure, 16:1478-1490.2008.PMID: 18940604
  • ・Yu E, Kanno E, Choi S, Sugimori M, Moreira JE, Llinás RR , and Fukuda M.
    Role of Rab27 in synaptic transmission at the squid giant synapse. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 105:16003-16008.2008.PMID: 18840683
  • ・Yumoto N, Wakatsuki S, Kurisaki T, Hara Y, Osumi N, Frisén J, and Sehara-Fujisawa A.
    Meltrin beta/ADAM19 interacting with EphA4 in developing neural cells participates in formation of the neuromuscular junction. PLos ONE, 3:e3322.2008.PMID: 18830404
  • ・Kesari A, Fukuda M, Knoblach S, Bashir R, Nader GA, Rao D, Nagaraju K , and Hoffman EP.
    Dysferlin deficiency shows compensatory induction of Rab27A/Slp2a that may contribute to inflammatory onset. Am J Pathol, 173:1476-1487.2008.PMID: 18832576
  • ・Ikeda K, Takamatsu Y, Hagino Y, and Sora I.
    メチルフェニデートの精神神経系に及ぼす影響 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌 29,121-123.
  • ・Harada H, Takahashi Y, Kawakami K, Ogura T, and Nakamura H.
    Tracing retinal fiber trajectory with a method of transposon-mediated genomic integration in chick embryo. Dev Growth Differ, 50:697-702.2008.PMID: 18826475
  • Mori E .
    認知症をどう診るか?認知症診療の実際:パーキンソン病と正常圧水頭症の歩行障害は同じものか?正常圧水頭症の歩行障害の立場から. Cognition and Dementia 7, 368-371:1346-8685.2008
  • ・Nishio Y , and Mori E.
    レビー小体型認知症の認知・行動障害. Cognition and Dementia, 7, 318-325.2008:1346-8685.
  • ・Takahashi Y, Seki N, Ishiura H, Mitsui J, Matsukawa T, Kishino A, Onodera O, Aoki M, Shimozawa N, Murayama S, Itoyama Y, Suzuki Y, Sobue G, Nishizawa M, Goto J , and Tsuji S.
    Development of a high-throughput microarray-based resequencing system for neurological disorders and its application to molecular genetics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Archives of Neurology, 65:1326-1332.2008.PMID: 18852346
  • ・Netsu M, Suzuki N, Mizuno H, Takai Y, Misu T, Aoki M, Nakajima I , and Itoyama Y.
    細性髄膜炎との鑑別を要した神経ベーチェット病の1例. 臨床神経学, 48:750-753. 2008
  • Sora I , and Kasahara Y.
    トランスポーターの遺伝子改変動物と精神神経疾患. 中枢神経系のトランスポーターをめぐって. Clinical Neuroscience, 10(26) :1081-1083. 2008
  • Sora I , and Fukui A.
    注意欠陥多動性障害(ADHD)とモノアミントランスポーター. 中枢神経系のトランスポーターをめぐって. Clinical Neuroscience, 10(26) :1146-1147. 2008
  • ・Shinozaki M, Fukudo S, Hongo M, Shimosegawa T, Sasaki D, Matsueda K, Harasawa S, Miura S, Mine T, Kaneko H, Arakawa T, Haruma K, Torii A, Azuma T, Miwa H, Fukunaga M, Handa M, Kitamori S , and Miwa T.
    High prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in medical outpatients in Japan. J Clin Gastroenterol, 42:1010-1016.2008.PMID: 18607295
  • ・Masanori Takahashi , and Noriko Osumi.
    Expression study of cadherin 7 and cadherin 20 in the embryonic and adult rat central nervous system. BMC. Dev. Biol. 8: 87, 2008. PMID: 18801203
    本論文では、クラシックカドヘリンファミリー遺伝子cadherin7(cad7), cadherin20(cad20)に注目し、ラットの胎児期から成体脳におけるそれらの発現様式を解析した。cad7およびcad20は初期脳神経上皮層の特異的な区画や境界領域に発現しており、生後脳では、cad7は小脳と延髄をつなぐ神経回路を形成する一連のニューロン群に特異的に発現していた。これらの結果から、cad7およびcad20が初期脳の区画形成や神経回路の形成に関与している可能性が示唆された。
  • ・Kaneko K, Tamamaki N, Owada H, Kakizaki T, Kume N, Totsuka M, Yamamoto T, Yawo H, Yagi T, Obata K, and Yanagawa Y.
    Noradrenergic excitation of a subpopulation of GABAergic cells in the basolateral amygdala via both activation of nonselective cationic conductance and suppression of resting K(+) conductance: A study using glutamate decarboxylase 67-green fluorescent pro Neuroscience, 157:781-797.2008.PMID: 18950687
  • ・Yoshizawa M, Tashiro M(Equally Contributing First Author), Fukudo S, Yanai K, Utsumi A, Kano M, Karahasi M, Endo Y, Morisita J, Sato Y, Adachi M, Itoh M, and Hongo M.
    Increased brain histamine H1 receptor binding in patients with anorexia nervosa. Biol Psychiatry65, 329-335. Epub,2008.PMID: 18814859.
  • ・Kakizaki M, Kuriyama S, Sone T, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Hozawa A, Nakaya N, Fukudo S , and Tsuji I.
    Sleep duration and the risk of breast cancer: the Ohsaki Cohort Study. Br J Cancer, 99:1502-1505.2008.PMID: 18813313
  • ・Suzuki K, Tsukidate T, Nakada T, Shimizu M, and Ishiguro A.
    Self-assembly through the local interaction between “embodied” nonlinear oscillators with simple motile function. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1319-1324.
  • Ishiguro A, Umedachi T, Kitamura T, Nakagaki T, and Kobayashi R.
    A fully decentralized morphology control of an amoeboid robot by exploiting the law of conservation of protoplasmic mass. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Workshop Proc, 50-54.
  • ・Herrero-Turrión MJ, Calafat J, Janssen H, Fukuda M, and Mollinedo F.
    Rab27a regulates exocytosis of tertiary and specific granules in human neutrophils. J Immunol, 181:3793-3803.2008.PMID: 18768832
  • ・Kimura K, Hachiya T, Koganezawa M, Tazawa T , and Yamamoto D.
    Fruitless and Doublesex coordinate to generate male-specific neurons that can initiate courtship. Neuron, 59:759-769.2008.PMID: 18786359
  • Fukuda M .
    Regulation of secretory vesicle traffic by Rab small GTPases. Cell Mol Life Sci, 65:2801-2813.2008.PMID: 18726178
  • Tsutsui K , and Fujiwara J.
    損得勘定する脳. 社会活動と脳−行動の原点を探る 岩田 河村 編, pp 151-161 医学書院
  • ・Perona MT, Waters S, Hall FS, Sora I, Lesch KP, Murphy DL, Caron M , and Uhl GR.
    Animal models of depression in dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine transporter knockout mice: prominent effects of dopamine transporter deletions. Behavioural Pharmacology, 19:566-574.2008.
  • ・Saito-Nakaya K, Nakaya N, Akechi T, Inagaki M, Asai M, Goto K, Nagai K, Nishiwaki Y, Tsugane S, Fukudo S , and Uchitomi Y.
    Marital status and non-small cell lung cancer survival: the Lung Cancer Database Project in Japan. Psycho-Oncology, 17:869-876.2008.PMID: 18033697
  • ・Okada Y, Matsumoto A, Shimazaki T, Enoki R, Koizumi A, Ishii S, Itoyama Y, Sobue G, and Okano H.
    Spatiotemporal recapitulation of central nervous system development by murine embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem/progenitor cells. Stem Cells, 26(12):3086-98.2008.PMID: 18757299
  • ・Saito-Nakaya K, Hasegawa R, Nagura Y, Ito H , and Fukudo S.
    Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 antagonist blocks colonic hypersensitivity induced by a combination of inflammation and repetitive colorectal distension. Neurogastroenterol Motil, 20:1147-1156. 2008.PMID: 18761632
  • ・Owaki D, Osuka K, and Ishiguro A.
    Gait transition between passive dynamic walking and running by changing the body elasticity. SICE Annual Conference 2008, 2513-2518.
  • ・Miyasaka K, Kida Y, and Ogura T.
    メカニカルストレスと転写制御 生化学Jun;81(6):494-501.2009.
  • ・Owaki D, Osuka K, and Ishiguro A.
    受動歩行と受動走行の違いは何か? 第14回創発システム・シンポジウム, 59-62.2008
  • ・Mizuno H, Warita H, Aoki M, and Itoyama Y.
    Accumulation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the micro environment of spinal motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transgenic rats. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 86:2512-2523.2008.PMID: 18438943
  • ・Iyo M, Ozaki N, and Kuroda S.
    The Frizzled 3 gene is associated with methamphetamine psychosis in the Japanese population. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 4:37.2008.PMID: 18702828
  • ・Kanazawa M, Palsson OS, Thiwan SIM, Turner MJ, van Tilburg MAL, Gangarosa LM, Chitkara DK, Fukudo S, Drossman DA , and Whitehead WE.
    Contributions of pain sensitivity and colonic motility to IBS symptom severity and predominant bowel habits. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 103:2550-2561.2008.PMID: 18684175
  • ・Yoko Matsumoto , and Noriko Osumi.
    学習. 神経新生の分子生物学と生理機能. Clinical neuroscience, 26,853-856.2008
  • ・Suzuki T , and Ogura T.
    Congenic method in the chick limb buds by electroporation. Dev Growth Differ, 50:459-465.2008.PMID: 18638168
  • ・Odani N, Ito K, and Nakamura H.
    Electroporation as an efficient method of gene transfer. Dev Growth Differ, 50:443-448.2008.PMID: 18510714
  • ・Sasaki H, Arimura K, Itoyama Y, Kwak S, Kira J, Nakashima K, Amano T, Inoue K, Uozumi T, Kohara N, Tsuji S, Tamagawa A, Toyoshima I, Mizutani T, Yoshii F, Sobue G , and Shimizu T.
    日本神経学会卒前教育小委員会(2008)モデル教育コア・カリキュラムおよび卒前教育における神経内科の現状に関するアンケート全国調査. 臨床神経学, 48(8):556-62.2008
  • ・Asada M, Ebihara S, Numachi Y, Okazaki T, Yamanda S, Ikeda K, Yasuda H, Sora I , and Arai H.
    Reduced tumor growth in a mouse model of schizophrenia, lacking the dopamine transporter. Int J Cancer, 123:511-518.2008.PMID: 18470912
  • Fukudo S .
    消化管研究の最前線: 脳腸相関による消化管機能制御. 細胞工学, 27: 784-789.2008
  • Noriko Osumi, Hiroshi Shinohara, Keiko Numayama-Tsuruta, and Motoko Maekawa.
    Pax6 Transcription Factor Contributes to Both Embryonic and Adult Neurogenesis as a Multifunctional Regulator. Stem Cells., 26(7): 1663-72., 2008. PMID: 18467663
  • ・Kanda T, Ishii K, Uemura T, Miyamoto N, Yoshikawa T, Kono AK , and Mori E.
    Comparison of grey matter and metabolic reductions in frontotemporal dementia using FDG-PET and voxel-based morphometric MR studies. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 35:2227-2234.2008.PMID: 18661129
  • ・Motoko Maekawa, , and Noriko Osumi.
    FABP7遺伝子. 分子精神医学, 8(3):64-67.
  • Fukuda M , and Itoh T.
    Direct link between Atg protein and small GTPase Rab: Atg16L functions as a potential Rab33 effector in mammals. Autophagy, 4:824-826.2008.PMID: 18670194
  • ・Kobayashi Y, Nakamura H , and Funahashi J.
    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition as a possible mechanism of semicircular canal morphogenesis in chick inner ear. Tohoku J Exp Med, 215:207-217.2008.PMID: 18648181
  • Yawo H , and Ishizuka T.
    学習・記憶のシナプス前性メカニズム. Brain Nerve, 60:725-736.2008
  • Mori E .
    NIHSSによる重症度の評価と問題点. 最新医学, 63:1446-1453. 2008
  • Fukudo S, Hamaguchi T, Nakaya K, Tayama J, Kano M, Kanazawa M, Sagami Y, Shoji T, Endo Y, Itoh M, Yanai K, and Hongo M.
    過敏性腸症候群におけるcorticotropin-releasing hormoneの役割. 心身医学, 48:619-623.2008
  • ・Umedachi T, Kitamura T, and Ishiguro A.
    An amoeboid locomotion that exploits real-time tunable springs and law of conservation of protoplasmic mass. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 20(3), 449-455.2008
  • ・Kakizaki M, Inoue K, Kuriyama S, Sone T, Matsuda-Ohmori K, Nakaya N, Fukudo S , and Tsuji I.
    Sleep duration and the risk of prostate cancer: the Ohsaki Cohort Study. Br J Cancer, 99:176-178.2008.PMID: 18813313
  • Nakamura H, Sato T , and Suzuki-Hirano A.
    Isthmus organizer for mesencephalon and metencephalon. Dev Growth Differ 50 Suppl 1:S113-118.2008.PMID: 18494704
  • Ishiguro A, Koyama M, Owaki D, and Nishii J.
    Increasing stability of passive dynamic bipedal walking by exploiting hyperextension of knee joints. the fourth meeting of Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2008) proceedings, 164.
  • ・Suzuki K, Tsukidate T, Shimizu M , and Ishiguro A.
    Self-assembly and Self-repair by Exploiting Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators with Simple Motile Function. the fourth meeting of Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2008) proceedings, 162-163.
  • ・Owaki D, Osuka K, and Ishiguro A.
    Adaptive gait transition between passive dynamic walking and running. the fourth meeting of Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2008) proceedings, 160-161.
  • Ishiguro A .
    Understanding mobiligence through amoeboid locomotion -a case study with a modular robot-. the fourth meeting of Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2008) proceedings, 20-21.
  • ・Masanori Takahashi, Tadashi Nomura, and Noriko Osumi.
    Transferring genes into cultured mammalian embryos by electroporation. Dev Growth Differ.50,185-497 in press. PMID: 18505466.2008
  • ・Ishii K, Kanda T, Harada A, Miyamoto N, Kawaguchi T, Shimada K, Ohkawa S, Uemura T, Yoshikawa T , and Mori E.
    Clinical impact of the callosal angle in the diagnosis of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. European Radiology, 18:2678-2683.2008.PMID: 18500524
  • ・Watanabe W, Sato T, and Ishiguro A.
    An Efficient Decentralized learning by exploiting biarticular muscles. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation proceedings, 3826-3831.
  • ・Shimizu M, Kato T, Lungarella M , and Ishiguro A.
    Adaptive reconfiguration of a modular robot through heterogeneous inter-module connections. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation proceedings, 3527-3532.
  • ・Umedachi T, Kitamura T, and Ishiguro A.
    A fully decentralized control of an amoeboid robot by exploiting. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation proceedings, 1144-1149.2008
  • ・Owaki D, Osuka K, and Ishiguro A.
    On the embodiment that enables passive dynamic bipedal running. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation proceedings, 341-346.
  • ・Hiraoka K, Meguro K, and Mori E.
    Prevalence of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus in the elderly population of a Japanese rural community. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 48:197-199; discussion 199-200.2008.PMID: 18497491
  • ・Misu T, Fujihara K, and Itoyama Y.
    視神経脊髄炎(NMO)とアクアポリン4抗体. Brain Nerve, 60:527-537.2008
  • Fukudo S .
    機能性腸障害治療の標準化.炎症性腸疾患と機能性疾患.─病態の理解と求められる対応.機能性腸疾患の治療:日常診療にEBMをどう取り入れるか. Medicina, 45:846-849.2008
  • ・Itoh T, Fujita N, Kanno E, Yamamoto A, Yoshimori T , and Fukuda M.
    Golgi-resident small GTPase Rab33B interacts with Atg16L and modulates autophagosome formation. Mol Biol Cell, 19:2916-2925.2008.PMID: 18448665
  • ・Saegusa C, Kanno E, Itohara S , and Fukuda M.
    Expression of Rab27B-binding protein Slp1 in pancreatic acinar cells and its involvement in amylase secretion. Arch Biochem Biophys, 475:87-92.2008.PMID: 18477466
  • ・Patino-Lopez G, Dong XY, Ben-Aissa K, Bernot KM, Itoh T, Fukuda M, Kruhlak MJ, Samelson LE , and Shaw S.
    Rab35 and its GAP EPI64C in T cells regulate receptor recycling and immunological synapse formation. J Biol Chem, 283:18323-18330.2008.PMID: 18450757
  • Fukudo S, Kanazawa M, Sinozaki M, Endo Y, Shoji T, Sagami Y, Morishita J, and Hongo M.
    過敏性腸症候群.特別講座:心身症診断・治療ガイドライン2006・Summary. 心身医学, 48:359-365.2008
  • ・Takahashi T, Miyazawa I, Misu T, Takano R, Nakashima I, Fujihara K, Tobita M , and Itoyama Y.
    Intractable hiccup and nausea in neuromyelitis optica with anti-aquaporin-4 antibody: a herald of acute exacerbations. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 79:1075-1078.2008.PMID: 18420727
  • ・Ito M, Numachi Y, Ohara A , and Sora I.
    Hyperthermic and lethal effects of methamphetamine: roles of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors. Neurosci Lett .27, 438:327-329.2008.PMID: 18486343
  • Fukudo S .
    内臓痛のメカニズムと病態. Bio Clinica, 23:424-428.2008
  • ・Martin D, Allagnat F, Chaffard G, Caille D, Fukuda M, Regazzi R, Abderrahmani A, Waeber G, Meda P, Maechler P , and Haefliger J-A.
    Functional significance of repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) target genes in pancreatic β cells. Diabetologia, 51:1429-1439.2008.PMID: 18385973
  • ・Katsuyasu Sakurai , and Noriko Osumi.
    The neurogenesis-controlling factor, Pax6, inhibits proliferation and promotes maturation in murine astrocytes Journal of Neuroscience 28,18, 4604-4612, 2008
  • ・Yoko Matsumoto , and Noriko Osumi.
    脳発生におけるPax6の機能とその異常. Brain Nerve, 60:365-374.
  • ・Sano H, Roach WG, Peck GR, Fukuda M, and Lienhard GE.
    Rab10 in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. Biochem J, 411:89-95.2008.PMID: 18076383
  • ・Dagvajantsan B, Aoki M, Warita H, Suzuki N, and Itoyama Y.
    Up-regulation of insulin-like growth factor-II receptor in reactive astrocytes in the spinal cord of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transgenic rats. Tohoku J Exp Med, 214:303-310.2008.PMID: 18441505
  • ・Iwakura Y, Nawa H, Sora I , and Chao MV.
    Dopamine D1 receptor-induced signaling through TrkB receptors in striatal neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283:15799-15806.2008.PMID: 18381284
  • Sora I .
    特集 II AD/HDの新しい薬物療法. メチルフェニデートの依存リスク. 精神科,12(4):310-315. 2008
  • Fukudo S .
    irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 過敏性腸症候群. 診療ガイドダイジェスト. 治療 90 (4月臨時増刊号): 54-55. 2008
  • Fukudo S, Sinozuka M, Kano M, Kanazawa M, Watanabe S, Sagami Y, Shoji T, Endo Y, and Hongo M.
    過敏性腸症候群に対する心身医学的治療. Medical ASAHI, April:45-47.2008
  • Fukudo S .
    IBS治療アルゴリズムの検証プログラム. Pharma Medica, 26:111-112. 2008
  • ・Kanazawa M , and Fukudo S.
    過敏性腸症候群の受療行動. 消心身医, 15:1-6. 2008
  • ・Kanazawa M, Watanabe S, Tana C , and Fukudo S.
    過敏性腸症候群患者におけるクエン酸モサプリドの直腸運動機能・内臓知覚に対する効果. Therapeutic Research, 29:30-31.2008
  • Fukudo S, Sinozaki M, Kano M, Kanazawa M, Sagami Y, Shoji T, Endo Y, and Hongo M.
    過敏性腸症候群に対する心身医学的治療の効果. 日本心療内科学会誌, 12:140.2008
  • ・Koku R, Hasegawa R, Nakaya K, In H, Kanazawa M, and Fukudo S.
    母子分離によるIBS様ラットにおけるセロトニン2A/2C受容体の作用. 東北医誌120:107-108.2008
  • ・Uhl GR, Drgon T, Liu QR, Johnson C, Walther D, Ujike H, Komiyama T, Harano M, Sekine Y , Inada T, Ozaki N, Iyo M, Iwata N, Yamada M, Sora I, Chen CK, Liu HC, and Lin SK.
    Genome-wide association for methamphetamine dependence: convergent results from two samples. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008 Mar;65(3):345-55.
  • ・Abe N, Okuda J, Suzuki M, Sasaki H, Matsuda T, Tsukada M, Fujii T, and Mori E.
    Neural Correlates of True Memory, False Memory, and Deception. Cereb Cortex 18, 2811-2819.2008.
  • ・Ide S, Minami M, Ishihara K, Uhl GR, Satoh M, Sora I, and Ikeda K.
    Abolished thermal and mechanical antinociception but retained visceral chemical antinociception induced by butorphanol in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. Neuropharmacology, 54:1182-1188.2008.PMID: 18417173
  • Yawo H , and Ishizuka T.
    特願2008-076538「改変された光受容体チャネル型ロドプシンタンパク質」 出願人:国立大学法人東北大学.(2008年3月24日出願)、PCT/JP2009/056216 (2009年3月)
  • ・Fukuda Mitsunori .
    Rab27による分泌小胞の輸送制御メカニズム. ブレインサイエンスレビュー2008, ブレインサイエンス振興財団, 91-106.
  • ・Ishizuka T , and Yawo H.
    Photostimulation of genetically engineered neurons expressing channelrhodopsin-2, a light-gated cation channel. SEIBUTSU BUTSURI 48 (3),180-184 (2008), in press.
    ニューロンを刺激するには専ら電気刺激が用いられているが,ある特定の性質をもったニューロンだけとか,1個のニューロンだけとか,1個のニューロンの一部分だけを特異的に,効率良く,容易に,しかも非侵襲的に刺激することは難しい。そこで私たちは光受容イオンチャネル・チャネルロドプシン2 (ChR2) をニューロンに発現させて,LED光パルスで刺激する新しい技術を開発した。本稿ではチャネルロドプシン2の光応答特性やChR2発現ニューロンの光応答特性を解析して,神経科学の基礎研究から視機能再建研究などへの応用研究に活用できる有用な技術であることを紹介した。
  • ・Fujiwara J, Tobler PN, Taira M, Iijima T , and Tsutsui K.
    Personality-dependent dissociation of absolute and relative loss processing in orbitofrontal cortex. Eur J Neurosci, 27:1547-1552.2008.PMID: 18336572
  • ・Koganezawa N, Taguchi A, Tominaga T, Ohara S, Tsutsui K, Witter MP , and Iijima T.
    Significance of the deep layers of entorhinal cortex for transfer of both perirhinal and amygdala inputs to the hippocampus. Neurosci Res, 61:172-181.2008.PMID: 18407365
  • ・板倉研, 畑友紀, 成英次, 高山明美, 福田光則(Fukuda M).
    「メラノソーム輸送阻害剤、及び皮膚外用剤」 特願2008-056389(平成20年3月6日)
  • ・Ishii K, Kawaguchi T, Shimada K, Ohkawa S, Miyamoto N, Kanda T, Uemura T, Yoshikawa T, and Mori E.
    Voxel-Based Analysis of Gray Matter and CSF Space in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 25:329-335. 2008
  • ・Fujita N, Itoh T, Omori H, Fukuda M, Noda T, and Yoshimori T.
    The Atg16L complex specifies the site of LC3 lipidation for membrane biogenesis in autophagy. Mol Biol Cell, 19:2092-2100.2008.PMID: 18321988
  • ・Inoue J, Ueno Y, Kogure T, Nagasaki F, Kimura O, Obara N, Kido O, Nakagome Y, Kakazu E, Matsuda Y, Fukushima K, Segawa H, Nakajima I, Itoyama Y, Takahashi M, Okamoto H , and Shimosegawa T.
    Analysis of the full-length genome of hepatitis B virus in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with acute hepatitis B and transverse myelitis. J Clin Virol, 41:301-304.2008.PMID: 18291715
  • ・Tanaka K, Okada Y, Kanno T, Otomo A, Yanagisawa Y, Shouguchi-Miyata J, Suga E, Kohiki E, Onoe K, Osuga H, Aoki M, Hadano S, Itoyama Y, and Ikeda JE.
    A dopamine receptor antagonist L-745,870 suppresses microglia activation in spinal cord and mitigates the progression in ALS model mice. Experimental Neurology, 211:378-386.2008.PMID: 18423451
  • ・Masanori Takahashi , and Noriko Osumi.
    脳の領域化―特異的遺伝子発現とコンパートメント・境界形成の制御機構 蛋白質核酸酵素増刊 神経の分化・回路・機能発現, 53(4) : 350-357, 2008.
  • Fukuda M , and Sagi-Eisenberg R.
    Confusion in the nomenclature of synaptotagmins V and IX: which is which? Calcium Binding Proteins, 3:1-4.
  • Mori E .
    特発性正常圧水頭症の歩行障害. Brain Nerve, 60:219-224.2008
  • ・Takano R, Misu T, Takahashi T, Izumiyama M, Fujihara K , and Itoyama Y.
    A prominent elevation of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the cerebrospinal fluid during relapse in neuromyelitis optica. Tohoku J Exp Med, 215:55-59.2008.PMID: 18509235
  • ・Tayama J, Watanabe S, Nishiura K, Munakata M, and Fukudo S.
    高校生版食行動尺度の作成と肥満度に関連する食行動要因の検討. 心身医学, 48(3): 217-227.2008
  • ・Holt O, Kanno E, Bossi G, Booth S, Daniele T, Santoro A, Arico M, Saegusa C, and Fukuda M, Griffiths GM.
    Slp1 and Slp2-a localize to the plasma membrane of CTL and contribute to secretion from the immunological synapse. Traffic 9, 446-457. 2008 Feb 21.
  • ・Ogura K, Shinohara M, Ohno K, and Mori E.
    Frontal behavioral syndromes in Prader-Willi syndrome. Brain Dev, 30:469-476.2008.PMID: 18262375
  • ・Fujibayashi A, Taguchi T, Misaki R, Ohtani M, Dohmae N, Takio K, Yamada M, Gu J, Yamakami M, Fukuda M, Waguri S, Uchiyama Y, Yoshimori T , and Sekiguchi K.
    Human RME-8 is involved in membrane trafficking through early endosomes. Cell Struct. Funct 33, 35-50. 2008 Feb 6.
  • Fukuda M, Kanno E, Ishibashi K, Itoh T, and Fukuda M.
    Large-scale screening for novel Rab effectors reveals unexpected broad Rab-binding specificity. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 7, 1031-1042. 2008 Feb 6.
    本論文では、低分子量Gタンパク質Rab1〜Rab30のエフェクター分子をRab two-hybrid panelを用いて網羅的にスクリーニングした。その結果、Rabとエフェクター分子の対応関係は以前考えられていた以上に複雑であることが明らかとなった。
  • ・Sakamoto K, Mushiake H, Saito N, Aihara K, Yano M, and Tanji J.
    Discharge synchrony during the transition of behavioral goal representations encoded by discharge rates of prefrontal neurons. Cereb Cortex, 18:2036-2045.2008.PMID: 18252744
  • ・Nakamura M, Miyazawa I, Fujihara K, Nakashima I, Misu T, Watanabe S, Takahashi T, and Itoyama Y.
    Preferential spinal central gray matter involvement in neuromyelitis optica : An MRI study. J Neurol. 255, 163-170. 2008 Feb 4
  • Mori E .
    特発性正常圧水頭症の診断と治療. 医薬ジャーナル, 44:715-720.
  • Fukudo S .
    うつ病: 病因 ─ ストレス応答と身体反応を中心として. 治療学, 42:129-135.2008
  • ・Kishimoto M, Ujike H, Motohashi Y, Tanaka Y, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Harano M, Inada T, Yamada M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Sora I, Iyo M, Ozaki N, and Kuroda S.
    The dysbindin gene (DTNBP1) is associated with methamphetamine psychosis. Biol Psychiatry15;63(2):191-196 (2008)
  • Ishiguro A , and Shimizu M.
    50 years of artificial intelligence: essays dedicated to the 50th anniversary of artificial intelligence. Springer, 144-153.2008
  • ・Kato K, Suzuki N, Aoki M, Warita H, Jin K, and Itoyama Y.
    長期人工呼吸管理下に気管腕頭動脈瘻からの急性出血で死亡した家族性ALSの1例. 臨床神経学, 48:60-62.2008
  • ・Matsuno Y, Ishida R, Owaki D, Nishii Jun , and Ishiguro A.
    適応的歩行動作のための筋肉群の時空間的励起方策. 第20回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 273-278.2008
  • ・Owaki D, Osuka K, and Ishiguro A.
    身体の力学的特性改変による受動歩行と受動走行間の歩容遷移. 第20回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 261-266.2008
  • ・Suzuki K, Tsukidate T, and Ishiguro A.
    単純な運動機能を有する結合振動子系を活用した自己組み立て. 第20回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 183-186.2008
  • ・Shimizu M, Gohara K, and Ishiguro A.
    移動知発現の理解へ向けたアメーバ様モジュラーロボットの力学系解析. 第20回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 157-162.2008
  • ・Watanabe W, Sato T, Kawakatsu T, and Ishiguro A.
    身体部位間の力学的長距離相関を活用した学習の高効率化 - 2次元ヘビ型ロボットを用いた事例研究- 第20回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 85-90.2008
  • ・Umedachi T, Kitamura T, and Ishiguro A.
    原形質量保存則を活用したアメーバ様ロボットの自律分散的形態制御. 第20回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 57-62.2008
  • Itoyama Y .
    変わりつつある疾患の概念−視神経脊髄型多発性硬化症(OSMS)と視神経脊髄炎(NMO). 神経, 238-245. 2008
  • ・Otani K, Ujike H, Sakai A, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Inada T, Harano M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, and Kuroda S.
    Reduced CYP2D6 activity is a negative risk factor for methamphetamine dependence. Neurosci Lett. 2008 Mar 21;434(1):88-92. Epub 2008 Jan 19.
  • ・Sugeno N, Takeda A, Hasegawa T, Kobayashi M, Kikuchi A, Mori F, Wakabayashi K , and Itoyama Y.
    Serine 129 phosphorylation of alpha-synuclein induces unfolded protein response-mediated cell death. J Biol Chem, 283:23179-23188.2008.PMID: 18562315
  • ・Tadashi Nomura, Masanori Takahashi, Yoshinobu Hara, and Noriko Osumi.
    Patterns of neurogenesis and amplitude of Reelin expression are essential for making a mammalian-type cortex. PLoS ONE 3(1), e1454, 2008
  • ・Frittoli E, Palamidessi A, Pizzigoni A, Lanzetti L, Garre M, Fukuda M, Di Fiore PP, Scita G, and Confalonieri S.
    The primate-specific protein TBC1D3 is required for optimal macropinocytosis in a novel ARF6 dependent pathway. Mol. Biol. Cell 19, 1304-1316. 2008 Jan 16.
    TBC1D3はTBCドメインと呼ばれるRab-GAP (GTPase-activating protein)ドメインを持つタンパク質である。TBC1D3は他のTBCドメインを持つ分子とは異なりGAP活性を示さず、Arf6に依存したマクロピノサイトーシスに関与することが本論文により明らかとなった。
  • ・Hashimoto T, Hashimoto K, Miyatake R, Matsuzawa D, Sekine Y, Inada T, Ozaki N, Iwata N, Harano M, Komiyama T, Yamada M, Sora I, Ujike H, and Iyo M.
    Association study between polymorphisms in glutathione-related genes and methamphetamine use disorder in a Japanese population. Am. J. Med. Genet. B. Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 147, B7, 1040-1046. 2008 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  • ・Wang Y, Matsuzaka Y, Mushiake H, and Shima K.
    Spatial distribution of cingulate cortical cells projecting to the primary motor cortex in the rat. Neuroscience Research, 60:406-411.2008.PMID: 18295365
  • ・Morita Y, Ujike H, Tanaka Y, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Harano M, Inada T, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N , and Kuroda S.
    The glycine transporter 1 gene (GLYT1) is associated with methamphetamine-use disorder. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 147 (1), ,54-58.2008.PMID: 17582620
  • ・Kakizaki M, Kuriyama S, Sato Y, Shimazu T, Matsuda-Ohmori K, Nakaya N, Fukao A, Fukudo S, and Tsuji I.
    Personality and body mass index: A cross-sectional analysis from the Miyagi Cohort Study J Psychosom Res 64: 71-80, 2008 (Jan)
    パーソナリティと肥満・やせとの関連については未だ結論が得られていない。そのため本研究では、The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R)における4つの下位尺度と肥満(BMI25以上)・やせ(BMI18.5未満)との関連を検討した。結果、男女共に外向性傾向、非協調性が高くなるほど肥満者の割合が増え、神経症傾向が高くなるほど肥満者の割合は減少した。男性では社会的望ましさが高くなるほど肥満者の割合は減少した。また、外向性傾向が高くなるほどやせの者の割合が減少し、神経症傾向が高くなるほどやせの者の割合は増加した。
  • ・木田泰之, 小椋利彦(Ogura T).
    細胞動態に伴うメカニカルストレスによる転写制御. 実験医学26, 14, 2204 -2209.2009.
  • ・Funahashi J , and Nakamura H.
    Electroporation in avian embryos. Methods Mol Biol, 461:377-382.2008.
  • Nakamura H .
    Regionalization of the vertebrate central nervous system. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience-2115. Eds. Uwe Windhorst et al.2008.
  • Osumi N .
    24章 自然科学系分野における男女共同参画を進めるために −ライフ&ワークバランスをいかに保つか. ジェンダー法・政策研究叢書 第12巻 男女共同参画のために−政策提言. 451-463.2008
  • Osumi N .
    科学技術系のキャリアパス:天職はどこにある? 日本生物工学会誌86, 633-633.2008
  • ・大隅典子(Osumi N), 土居洋文.
    生物の発生における対称性の破れ. 対称性とその破れ サイエンス社, pp149-154.2008
  • Fukuda M .
    Rab27による分泌小胞の輸送制御メカニズム. ブレインサイエンスレビュー2008(ブレインサイエンス振興財団), 91-106
  • Fukuda M .
    シナプトタグミン. (p.428), PHドメイン. (p.709-110). 分子細胞生物学辞典(第2版)東京化学同人.2008
  • ・Suzuki C, Tsukiura T, Mochizuki-Kawai H, Shigemune Y, and Iijima T.
    Prefrontal and medial temporal contributions to episodic memory-based reasoning. Neurosci. Res. 63, 177–183.2008
  • ・Shimizu M, Kato T, Lungarella M, and Ishiguro A.
    Adaptive Modular Robots through Heterogeneous Inter-Module Connections. J. Robot. Mechatr. 20-3, 386-393.2008
  • ・Watanabe W, Kawakatsu T, and Ishiguro A.
    Rapid and Cheap Learning by Exploiting Biarticular Muscles: A Case Study with a Two-Dimensional Serpentine Robot. Advanced Robotics 22-15, 1683-1696.2008
  • ・Shimizu M, Takahashi M, Kawakatsu T, and Ishiguro A (分担執筆).
    DISTRIBUTED AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC SYSTEMS 6 (Eds. R. Alami et al.), Springer, 485 pp.2008
  • ・筒井健一郎(Tsutsui K), 渡邊正孝.
    報酬の脳内表現. 生理心理学と精神生理学26, 5-16.2008
  • ・Ishikawa M, Hashimoto M, Kuwana N, Mori E, Miyake H, Wachi A, Takeuchi T, Kazui H, and Koyama H.
    Guidelines for management of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Neurol. Med. Chir. Tokyo 48 Suppl, S1-23.2008
  • Mori E .
    道具の強迫的使用. 神経内科 68 Suppl.5, 327-330.2008
  • Mori E .
    把握反射と本能性把握反応. 神経内科 68 Suppl.5, 323-326.2008
  • Mori E .
    痴呆性神経疾患の画像診断. 臨床神経学 48, 880-883.2008
  • ・菅野重範, 森悦朗(Mori E).
    特発性正常圧水頭症. 神経内科 68 Suppl.5, 116-122.2008
  • ・Kishimoto M, Ujike H, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Takaki M, Kodama M, Inada T, Yamada M, Uchimura N, Iwata N, Sora I, Iyo M, Ozaki N, and Kuroda S.
    The Frizzled 3 Gene Is Associated with Methamphetamine Psychosis in Japanese Population Behav. Brain Funct. 4, 1, 37.2008
  • ・Hayashida M, Nagashima M, Satoh Y, Katoh R, Tagami M, Ide S, Kasai S, Nishizawa D, Ogai Y, Hasegawa J, Komatsu H, Sora I, Fukuda K, Koga H, Hanaoka K, and Ikeda K.
    Analgesic requirements after major abdominal surgery are associated with OPRM1 gene polymorphism genotype and haplotype. Pharmacogenomics 9, 1605-1616.2008
  • ・Kishi T, Ikeda M, Kitajima T, Yamanouchi Y, Kinoshita Y, Kawashima K, Inada T, Harano M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Iyo M, Sora I, Sekine Y, Ozaki N, Ujike H, and Iwata N.
    Glutamate cysteine ligase modifier (GCLM) subunit gene is not associated with methamphetamine-use disorder or schizophrenia in the Japanese population. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1139, 63-69.2008
  • ・Kishi T, Ikeda M, Kitajima T, Yamanouchi Y, Kinoshita Y, Kawashima K, Inada T, Harano M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Iyo M, Sora I, Sekine Y, Ozaki N, Ujike H, and Iwata N.
    Alpha4 and beta2 subunits of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes are not associated with methamphetamine-use disorder in the Japanese population. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1139, 70-82.2008
  • ・Kishi T, Ikeda M, Kitajima T, Yamanouchi Y, Kinoshita Y, Kawashima K, Inada T, Harano M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Iyo M, Sora I, Sekine Y, Ozaki N, Ujike H, and Iwata N.
    Prostate apoptosis response 4 gene is not associated with methamphetamine-use disorder in the Japanese population. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1139, 83-88.2008
  • ・Kinoshita Y, Ikeda M, Ujike H, Kitajima T, Yamanouchi Y, Aleksic B, Kishi T, Kawashima K, Ohkouchi T, Ozaki N, Inada T, Harano M, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iyo M, Sora I, and Iwata N.
    Association study of the calcineurin A gamma subunit gene (PPP3CC) and methamphetamine-use disorder in a Japanese population. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.1139, 57-62.2008
  • ・Ezaki N, Nakamura K, Sekine Y, Thanseem I, Anitha A, Iwata Y, Kawai M, Takebayashi K, Suzuki K, Takei N, Iyo M, Inada T, Iwata N, Harano M, Komiyama T, Yamada M, Sora I, Ujike H, and Mori N.
    Short allele of 5-HTTLPR as a risk factor for the development of psychosis in Japanese methamphetamine abusers. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.1139, 49-56.2008
  • ・曽良一郎(Sora I), 猪狩もえ, 池田和隆.
    薬物依存とメチルフェニデート. シンポジウム「AD/HDの薬物療法-メチルフェニデートを巡って-」 精神神経学雑誌 110, 941-945.2008
  • Sora I. .
    薬物依存 生物学的側面. 精神医学対話(松下正明, 加藤敏, 神庭重信編) , 弘文堂, 831-840.2008
  • ・奥山眞紀子, 曽良一郎(Sora I).
    [監修] AD/HDを理解するための講演キット「発達過程からみたメチルフェニデートの依存リスク」. 日本AD/HD研究会編, アルタ出版株式会社.2008
  • ・Grover M, Kanazawa M, Palsson OS, Chitkara DK, Gangarosa LM, Drossman DA, and Whitehead WE.
    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in irritable bowel syndrome: association with colon motility, bowel symptoms, and psychological distress. Neurogastroenterol. Motil. 20, 998-1008.2008
  • Fukudo S .
    Cross cultural perspective of irritable bowel syndrome in Japan. Functional Brain-Gut Research Group Newsletter 41, 10-11.2008
  • ・渡辺諭史, 服部朝美、金澤素、鹿野理子、福土審(Fukudo S).
    内臓知覚の中枢神経プロセシングにおける神経活動同期性の検証. 消化管運動 10, 27-29.2008
  • Fukudo S .
    過敏性腸症候群(IBS)の病態の理解. 特集: 過敏性腸症候群(IBS)プラクティカルガイド. Progress in Medicine 28, 2837-2840.2008
  • ・福土審(Fukudo S), 本郷道夫, 松枝啓.
    (監訳) Rome III [日本語版] 機能性消化管障害. 協和企画, 656p.2008
  • Fukudo S .
    過敏性腸症候群. 井村裕夫編, わかりやすい内科学, 第3版, 文光堂, pp599-601.2008
  • Fukudo S .
    過敏性腸症候群. 山口徹, 北原光夫, 福井次矢 編: 今日の治療指針 2008年版(第50巻)―私はこう治療している, 医学書院, pp368-370.2008
  • ・谷莉, 金澤素, 福土審(Fukudo S).
    過敏性腸症候群の発生頻度:21世紀に急増しているか? 松枝啓 編.過敏性腸症候群の診断と治療 〜Rome III診断基準を踏まえた合理的アプローチ~ 医薬ジャーナル社, pp20-31.2008
  • ・金澤素, 福土審(Fukudo S).
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