Philosophy and Summary
Tohoku Neuroscience Global COEBasic & Translational Research Center for Global Brain Science
Center Leader
Noriko Osumi
(Graduate School of Medicine)
Center Sub Leader
Toshio IIjima
(Graduate School of Life Sciences)
In the present Japanese society where the low birthrate and longevity are in stride, to have new innovation, we need to globally recycle knowledge, such as international people-to-people exchanges.
Neuroscience in particular is not only positioned as a frontier in life science research in the 21st century, but also, in such fields as education, welfare, care, nerve engineering, and mathematical economics, a new evolution by practical use of brain science and human resource development to promote it are strongly called for now on a worldwide scale.
For this reason, Tohoku University, while the Graduate School of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Medicine take the lead, founded a center for global brain science (GBS).
We have evolved the most advanced neuroscience research based on life science, and aim at returning people with literacy in neuroscience to society.
Three Pillars
In this Center, we are promoting new neuroscience fields, "Genomic Behavioral Neuroscience" covers a range from genes to the behavior of individuals. "Embodied Cognitive Neuroscience" is understood as a cognitive function from the mutual operations of brain functions and the body. "Interdisciplinary Brain Science" encompasses a range from environments surrounding people to relationships among people, and raising young researchers. The leaders in each field group are as follows:
- Genomic Behavioral Neuroscience Group
- Embodied Cognitive Neuroscience Group
The Tohoku Neuroscience Global COE program is creating three fields in the Basic & Translational Research Center for Global Brain Science