<若手研究者賞 (YIA)>
菊地順裕(日本学術振興会特別研究員):<Cournand and Comroe Young Investigator Award Competition (Vascular Disease and Thrombosis) > (最優秀賞)
(研究課題名)Selenoprotein P Promotes the Development of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension -A Possible Novel Therapeutic Target-
大山宗馬(大学院4年生):<Melvin Judkins Young Investigator Award Competition (Imaging and Nuclear Medicine)>(優秀賞)
(研究課題名)Evidence for Enhanced Inflammation of Coronary Adventitia and Perivascular Adipose Tissue With Altered Disease Activity in Vasospastic Angina Patients -A Multi-modality Imaging Study
池田尚平(助教):<Melvin L. Marcus Young Investigator Award in Cardiovascular Sciences Competition (Cardiac Development, Structure and Function)> (優秀賞)
(研究課題名)Hippo Deficiency Leads to Heart Failure in Response to Pressure Overload
<Best Reviewers Award>
Best Review Award: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) (IF=6.607)(世界のトップ10名の一人)(5年連続)
Top Reviewer Award (Gold): Circulation Research (IF=13.965)(毎年7~8名の一人)(3年連続)
<Travel Grant>
大村淳一:American Heart Association(AHA) ATVB Travel Award for Young Investigators
(研究課題名)ADAMTS8 Promotes the Development of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Right Ventricular Failure -A Possible Novel Therapeutic Target-
砂村慎一郎:American Heart Association(AHA) BCVS Abstract Travel Grant
(研究課題名)Different Roles of Myocardial ROCK1 and ROCK2 in Response to Chronic Pressure-Overload in Mice
Md. Elias Al-Mamun:American Heart Association(AHA) 3CPR Junior Investigator Travel Award
(研究課題名)Rivaroxaban Prevents the Development of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension in Mice – Novel Beneficial Effects of the FXa Inhibitor –