- 生体機能学講座 生体システム生理学分野教授候補者の公募について/Recruitment of a professor at the Department of Physiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
生体機能学講座 生体システム生理学分野教授候補者の公募について/Recruitment of a professor at the Department of Physiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
この度、本研究科生体機能学講座 生体システム生理学分野 虫明 元 教授が令和6年3月31日付けで退職することに伴い、後任候補者を公募することになりました。
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This is to inform you that Professor Hajime Mushiake will retire on March 31, 2024, from the Department of Physiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. This position is responsible for research and education in physiology, including comprehensive neurophysiology. Therefore, we humbly request you to inform your colleagues and recommend any suitable candidates for the position.
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※ 推薦書以外の提出書類は、電子媒体にPDF形式で保存の上、提出願います。
2.提出期限 令和5年11月24日(金)必着
(1) 医学、生理学、神経科学等に関連する博士の学位を有すること
(2) 担当科目:生理学、生体機能学実習など
(3) 大学の教員等の任期に関する法律に基づく任期あり(任期10年・再任可)
4.任用予定日 令和6年4月1日(予定)
仙台市青葉区星陵町2番1号 東北大学医学部・医学系研究科総務課人事係宛
TEL 022-717-8004
FAX 022-717-8021
Mail med-jin@grp.tohoku.ac.jp
(1) 選考の過程で、本学にお越しいただきプレゼンテーション、模擬講義等をお願いすることがあります。
(2) 選考の過程で、教育等の現地視察に伺うことがあります。
(3) 提出書類は原則として返却いたしません。提出書類により取得する個人情報は、選考及び採用以外の目的には使用しません。
(4) 東北大学は多様性、公正性、包摂性(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion : DEI)を向上させる
東北大学DEI推進宣言WEBページ http://tumug.tohoku.ac.jp/dei/
雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保等に関する法律第8条に基づき 女性教員の在籍率を改善するための措置として、公正な評価に基づき職務に必要とされている能力が同等と認められる場合は、女性を優先的に採用します。
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1. Application materials
① Recommendation letter(s) (A4 size, free format. Self-recommendation is acceptable)
② Curriculum Vitae (Form 1)
③ List of publications (articles, books, lectures, awards, patents, etc.) (Form 2, and attach copies of key articles (up to 10 papers))
④ List of the educational portfolio, mentoring, awards, etc, including teaching activities in academic societies. (Form 3)
⑤ Grants received (Form 4)
⑥ Outline of research history and achievements (Free-format, approx. 4,000 characters in Japanese or approx. 2,000 words in English, including industry-academia collaboration and intellectual property. Figures and tables may be included.)
⑦ Plans for education and research (Free format, approx. 4,000 characters in Japanese or approx 2,000 words in English. Figures and tables may be included.)
※ Documents other than the recommendation letter should be submitted in PDF format on an electronic media.
2. Additional remarks
(1) Applicants must have a Ph.D. in medicine or a biological field, such as physiology and neuroscience.
(2) Courses that will be taught in lectures and practical training in Physiology, including neurophysiology of the brain.
(3) Terms of office based on the Act on Term of Office of University Teachers, etc.
(Ten-year term, renewable)
3. Deadline for applications
Friday, November 24, 2023 (must be received by November 10, 2023)
4. Date of Appointment
April 1, 2024
5. Where to submit
Tohoku University School of Medicine General Affairs Office Personnel Section
2-1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8575, Japan
※ If you send by post, please use registered mail or some other trackable method.
TEL 022-717-8004
FAX 022-717-8021
Mail med-jin@grp.tohoku.ac.jp
6. Contact
Tohoku University School of Medicine General Affairs Office Personnel Section
TEL +81-22-717-8004
FAX +81-22-717-8021
E-mail med-jin@grp.tohoku.ac.jp
7. Others
(1) During the selection process, you may be asked to give presentations, mock lectures, etc.
(2) During the selection process, we may visit your workplace for site inspection.
(3) As a rule, submitted documents will not be returned. Personal information obtained from the submitted documents will not be used for any purpose other than selection and recruitment.
(4) Tohoku University promotes activities to increase Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and encourages people of varied talents from all backgrounds to apply for positions at the university.
Tohoku University’s website about the DEI Declaration is here:
Pursuant to Article 8 of the Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment, Tohoku University shall, as a measure for increasing the presence of women among the academic staff, prioritize the hiring of women deemed qualified for each job opening, based on impartial evaluation.
Tohoku University has published ‘Tohoku University – Live as Who You Are – Guidelines for Gender and Sexual Diversity’ to provide explanations and details of how those at the university should respond with respect to diverse sexuality. The purpose of the guidelines is to create an environment in which all students, faculty, and staff respect diverse sexuality in their academic, research, and professional activities.
Please see the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Tohoku University website:
Tohoku University has the largest on-campus childcare system of all Japanese national universities. This network comprises three nurseries: Kawauchi Keyaki Nursery school (capacity: 22) and Aobayama Midori Nursery school (116), both open to all university employees, as well as Hoshinoko Nursery school (120), which is open to employees working at Tohoku University Hospital. In addition, Tohoku University Hospital runs a childcare room for mildly ill and convalescent children which is available to all university employees.
See the following website for information on these and other programs that Tohoku University runs to assist work-life balance, to support researchers, and to advance gender equality, including measures to promote childcare leave among male employees.
Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Tohoku University website:
Human Resources and Planning Department website:
【Application materials】
Form 1(Curriculum vitae)[word]
Form 2(Publications list)[word]
Form 3(List of educational portfolio)[word]
Form 4(Grants received)[word]