• 第35回SDGS-ID セミナー(感染症共生システムデザイン学際研究重点拠点)(社会にインパクトある研究「C3 感染症超克」共催) 開催のお知らせ(3/15開催)


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第35回SDGS-ID セミナー(感染症共生システムデザイン学際研究重点拠点)(社会にインパクトある研究「C3 感染症超克」共催) 開催のお知らせ(3/15開催)

“Continuing to be Cautious: Japanese Contact Patterns during The COVID-19 Pandemic and their Association with Public Health Recommendations”


【講演者】中村 友香                 
(ロンドン大学衛生熱帯医学大学院・長崎大学 博士課程学生)

12:00-12:05 オープニング
12:05-12:35 講演 中村 友香
 “Continuing to be Cautious: Japanese Contact Patterns during The COVID-19 Pandemic and their Association with Public Health Recommendations”
12:35-12:55    質疑応答
12:55-13:00 クロージング

The fraction of the population who suffered or died from the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly lower in Japan than in Europe and North America.
Japan did not implement any lockdowns and mostly relied on public health recommendations such as limiting person-to-person contacts and promoting mask wearing.
Her research focuses on the repeated surveys that were conducted in Japan to understand how the population modified its behavior during the pandemic.
With the usage of epidemiology and mathematical modeling, she will share her findings that provide evidence on the importance of reduced contacts and careful behavior that potentially limit disease transmission.

東北大学 感染症共生システムデザイン学際研究重点拠点
