入学手続き書類など / Enrollment Procedures
提出書類についてはご自身でダウンロード後、印刷してご使用ください。We have uploaded the necessary documents/guidelines for enrollment as below.
You can download the documents by clicking on the file name, so please download and print them out yourself and submit them to us.
2024年10月入学手続き期間 / 2024 October Enrollment Procedures Period:
September 9 (Mon) – September 13 (Fri) 16:30 JST
【shall be sent by mail and be arrived within the period above】
1. Webフォーム提出 Web Form Submission |
入学手続き及び学生記録入力フォーム Enrollment Procedures and Student Record Form https://forms.gle/NcEqR8cq7cExRcjHA |
2. 書類提出 Paper Documents Submission |
提出先:医学系研究科教務課大学院教務係 Where to submit : Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate Academic Affairs Section |
はじめに、“1 学籍番号のお知らせ/Notice of Student ID Number” にてご自身の学籍番号をご確認のうえ、手続き詳細については、”2 東北大学大学院医学系研究科 2024年10月入学手続きについて/Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Guide for Enrollment Procedures in October 2024”を確認願います。
Firstly, please check your Student ID Number on “1 Notice of Student ID Number”, and then read the “2 Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Guide for Enrollment Procedures in October 2024” thoroughly for more detailed procedures.
【入学手続き資料一覧/List of Materials for Enrollment Procedures】
【所定様式/Prescribed Form】
資料名/Documents |
Language :
日本語Jp / 英語En |
1 |
宣誓書/Written Oath | Both |
2 |
入学料免除・徴収猶予に関する申出書/Application for the Admission Fee Waiver and Deferment of Admission Fee Payment | Both |
3 |
勤務先の所属長の入学に関する承諾書/Director’s approval of your enrollment ” Employer’s permit” | In Jp only |
4 |
退職証明書/Resignation certificate | In Jp only |
〒980-8575 仙台市青葉区星陵町2-1
TEL : 022-717-8010
E-mail : m-daigakuin*grp.tohoku.ac.jp(*を@に置き換えてください)