
  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Department of Development and Environmental Medicine(Environment and Genome Research Center)発達環境医学(環境遺伝医学総合研究センター)

  • 小児関連データサイエンス(Data science for child health)
  • DOHaD (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease)
  • 出生コホート調査(Birth cohort study)
  • エコチル調査(Japan Environment and Children's Study)
  • 肺発生(Lung development)



  • Ota, ChiharuProfessor.M.D, Ph.D. 大田千晴 教授 (兼任)

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Suzuki, Tomohisa
    Assistant Prof.M.D, Ph.D. 鈴木 智尚 助教




Our laboratory consists of one professor, one assistant professor, five working graduate students (one is from the Department of Pediatrics, Tohoku University Hospital), and one technical staff (in charge of database construction). Based on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) hypothesis, we investigate the effects of environmental factors (exposure to chemicals including passive smoking, heavy metals, or digital devices) during the fetal and neonatal period on child growth and development with birth cohort studies and pediatric clinical data. For birth cohort studies, we use data from the nationwide 100,000-person “Japan Environment and Children's Study” conducted by the Ministry of the Environment since 2011. Data are collected through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews to investigate the effects of prenatal exposure to passive smoking, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, allergens, or digital devices. Using the collected data, we collaborate with Feto-Maternal Medical Science (Environment and Genome Research Center), Department of Pediatrics, Department of Obstetrics, and various clinical departments of Tohoku University Hospital and affiliated hospitals. We also conduct cohort studies on low-birth-weight premature infants and clinical studies on developmental disorders. We also conduct research on the effects of exposure to environmental factors on lung development in newborns and children.

研究内容としては、Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)仮説に基づき、胎児期・新生児期の環境因子(受動喫煙等をはじめとする化学物質や重金属,デジタルデバイスへの曝露)が出生児の発達や成長に及ぼす影響について研究しています。小児関連のデータとして、出生コホート調査および小児科臨床データを利用して研究を進めています。出生コホート調査として、2011年から環境省が進めている10万人規模の全国調査、エコチル調査のデータを用いています。出生児は現在小学校高学年から中学生となり、胎児期の受動喫煙、重金属、残留性有機汚染物質、アレルゲン、デジタルデバイス等の曝露影響を検証するためのデータを質問票や対面調査を行って収集しています。収集したデータを用い、環境遺伝医学総合研究センター内の母児医科学分野、小児科、産科をはじめとする東北大学病院および関連病院の臨床各科との共同研究を行っています。また、早産低出生体重児に関連するコホート調査や、発達障害に関連する臨床研究などを行っています。また、環境因子曝露による新生児・小児の肺の発達への影響などの研究も進めています。

  • Laboratory meeting


Kanamori K, Suzuki T, Ota C. Parenting attitude towards children with autism spectrum disorders: the Japan environment and children's study.
BMJ paediatrics open 8(1), e002360, 2024.

Kanamori K, et al. Environments affect blood pressure in toddlers: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Pediatric Research 95, 367-76, 2024

Tatsuta N, et al.Timing of Maternal Smoking Cessation and Newborn Weight, Height, and Head Circumference. Obstet Gynecol 41(1):119-25, 2022.

Anai A, et al. Factors associated with postpartum smoking relapse at early postpartum period of Japanese women in the Japan Environmental and Children's Study. Environ Health Prev Med 28:56, 2023. doi: 10.1265/ehpm.23-00059.

De Santis MM, et al. Extracellular-Matrix-Reinforced Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting Human Tissue. Adv Mater 33(3):e2005476, 2021.
