- Master's Courses
修士課程 - Doctoral Courses
Microbiology and Immunology免疫学
Ishii, NaotoProfessor. 石井 直人 教授
Other Faculty / Staff
Kawabe, Takeshi
Assoc. Prof. 河部 剛史 准教授 -
Tayama, Shunichi
Assistant Prof. 田山 舜一 助教
The immune system is an extremely sophisticated biological system that discriminates between self and non-self and specifically memorizes non-self by a network of various immune cells. Our laboratory has been the first in the world to discover the common γ chain (γc, IL2RG) and T cell co-stimulatory molecules (gp34/OX40 ligands) that are essential for T cell development, differentiation, and proliferation, and thereby elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of T cell differentiation, proliferation, activation, and memory generation. Abnormalities in these regulatory mechanisms cause various immune diseases such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, and immunodeficiency diseases. In particular, the elucidation of the regulatory mechanisms of immunological memory will enable us to develop therapeutic strategies for allergy and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as ideal vaccines. Recently, we have also begun to study group 2 innate lymphocytes, which are involved in allergies, and memory-phenotype (MP) cells, which are attracting attention as a new T-cell population. Through these studies, we are expanding our research to contribute to the development of therapies and vaccines for immune diseases.
免疫系は、リンパ球を中心とした免疫細胞のネットワークにより自己・非自己を識別し、その情報を記憶する極めて高度な生命システムです。当研究室ではこれまでに、T細胞の発生・分化・増殖に必須なサイトカイン受容体(γc鎖)ならびにT細胞補助シグナル分子(gp34/OX40 リガンド)を世界に先駆けて単離し、T細胞の分化・増殖・活性化ならびに記憶の制御機構を分子レベルで解明してきました。これらの制御機構の異常はアレルギーをはじめ、自己免疫疾患や動脈硬化などの慢性炎症性疾患、免疫不全症などさまざまな免疫疾患を引き起こします。特に、免疫記憶の制御機構が解明できれば、アレルギーや関節リウマチなどの自己免疫疾患を治療法や理想的なワクチンの開発が可能になります。また、最近ではアレルギーに関わる2型自然リンパ球の研究や、新たなT細胞として注目されるmemory-phenotype(MP)細胞の研究も開始しました。これらの研究を通して、免疫疾患の治療法開発やワクチン開発に貢献できるよう研究活動を展開しています。
Our members
研究室メンバーSharing each research progress at weekly meeting
毎週のミーティングにて研究内容を共有Student FIRST! Always give helping hand to you
なんでも相談をできる風通しの良い環境Eligible research advise for each person
Okuyama Y, et al: IL-33-ILC2 axis promotes anti-tumor CD8+ T cell responses via OX40 signaling.
Biochem Biphys Res Commun, 637: 9-16, 2022
Li J, Yang Z, Kawajiri A, Sato K, Tayama S, Ishii N, Zhu J, Kawabe T.: Excess generation and activation of naturally arising memory-phenotype CD4+ T lymphocytes are inhibited by regulatory T cells in steady state. Frontiers in Immunology, Volume 152024. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1429954.
Kawabe T, et al: Requirements for the differentiation of innate T-bet(high) memory-phenotype CD4(+) T lymphocytes under steady state. Nat Commun. 11: 3366, 2020
Nagashima H, et al: GITR co-signal in ILC2 controls allergic lung inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 141: 1939-1943.e8, 2018