
  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Aging Research and Geriatric Medicine(Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer)臨床加齢医学研究(加齢医学研究所)

  • 脳発達
  • 脳萎縮
  • 脳画像
  • MRI
  • 灰白質
  • 生活介入
  • 生活習慣
  • 認知機能



  • Taki, YasuyukiProfessor. 瀧 靖之 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Mutoh, Tatsushi
    Assoc. Prof. 武藤 達士 准教授
  • Nakase, Taizen
    Lect. 中瀬 泰然 講師
  • Tomita, Naoki
    Assistant Prof. 冨田 尚希 助教
  • Yamamoto, Shuzo
    Assistant Prof. 山本 修三 助教
  • Tatewaki, Yasuko
    Assistant Prof. 舘脇 康子 助教
  • Takano, Yumi
    Assistant Prof. _野 由美 助教
  • Kokubun, Keisuke
    Lect. 國分 圭介 講師
  • Thyreau, Benjamin
    Research Associate. ティロ— バンジャマン 助手
  • Ogawa, Toshimi
    Assistant Prof. オガワ 淑水 助教
  • Matsudaira, Izumi
    Assistant Prof. 松平 泉 助教
  • Granrath, Lorenz
    Specially Appointed Assistant Prof. グランラート ロレンツ 特任助教
  • Shinada, Takamitsu
    Research Associate. 品田 貴光 助手
  • Browne, Ryan
    Research Associate. ブラウン ライアン 助手
  • Takaoka, Akiko
    Research Fellow. _岡 祥子 学術研究員




The Department of Aging Research and Geriatric Medicine is part of the Division of Brain Science at the Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer. The department also contains a clinical section belonging to Tohoku University Hospital.
Our department is mainly engaged in brain imaging database research using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), on a large number of healthy individuals. In particular, we are trying to understand how genetic factors and environmental factors, such as lifestyle, affect brain morphology, brain function and cognition. For this purpose, we have collected brain MRIs from a large number of subjects of various ages, and created one of the world\'s largest brain imaging databases combining data on lifestyle, cognition, and genes. We are using this database to analyze the correlation between brain morphology, cerebral blood flow, cognition, and various factors. 
By organically integrating data from the micro- (genetic) to the macro- (brain MRI) level, we are carrying out research on the maintenance of a healthy brain throughout the lifespan.


  • 定例開催している研究会(写真は一昨年前)

  • 研究室メンバー歓送迎会(写真は一昨年前)


Tomoko T, et al. Curiosity Tourism Interaction Promotes Subjective Wellbeing Among Older Adults. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications .8,(1) .2021.

Tatewaki Y, et al. Defining the Optimal Method for Measuring Metabolic Tumor Volume on Preoperative (18)F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography as a Prognostic Predictor in Patients With Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Front Oncol. 11:646141. 2021.

Tatewaki Y, et al. Catheter Ablation Improves Quasar-Arterial Spin Labeling Based Regional Brain Perfusion in the Posterior Cingulate Cortex and Auditory-verbal Memory Function in Elderly Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation. 142(3).2020.

Thyreau B, et al. Learning a cortical parcellation of the brain robust to the MRI segmentation with convolutional neural networks. Medical Image Analysis. 61:101639. 2020 .

Takano Y, et al. Hypoperfusion in the posterior cingulate cortex is associated with lower bone mass density in elderly women with osteopenia and Alzheimer\'s disease. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.47(3):365-371.2020.
