- Doctoral Courses
Clinical Oncology臨床腫瘍学
Kawakami, HisatoProfessor. 川上 尚人 教授
Other Faculty / Staff
Takahashi, Masanobu
Assoc. Prof. 高橋 雅信 准教授 -
Shirota, Hidekazu
Assoc. Prof. 城田 英和 准教授 -
Taniguchi, Sakura
Assistant Prof. 谷口 桜 助教
The Department of Clinical Oncology is dedicated to both basic and clinical research aimed at developing cancer drug therapies and molecular diagnostic and therapeutic techniques to overcome intractable cancers. Our approach integrates cutting-edge research methods while maintaining a core focus on bridging basic research to clinical practice and addressing clinical challenges from a foundational research perspective. We will actively collaborate with pharmaceutical companies and research institutions to create innovative therapies.
As the Department of Oncology at Tohoku University Hospital, we are responsible for the pharmacotherapy of various solid tumors and engage in a wide range of clinical research. Through these efforts, we train the next generation of medical oncologists, who will be highly sought after in the future.
We welcome enthusiastic young individuals who are interested in advanced cancer pharmacotherapy, multidisciplinary cancer treatment, and palliative care, and who are motivated to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Active participation in clinical trials for new drug development is highly encouraged. At the forefront of ever-evolving cancer treatment, we hold the philosophy of “learning from patients and giving back to patients” and are driven by the spirit of “moving from Clinical Question to Practice Changing.” Together, we strive to shape the future of cancer treatment.
臨床腫瘍学分野では、難治性癌の克服を目指し、がん薬物療法や分子診断・治療技術の開発に、基礎および臨床研究の両面から取り組んでいます。基礎的研究を臨床の場に展開し(橋渡し研究)、また臨床の場で明らかになった問題点を基礎的に検討するという基本路線を継承しつつ、常に新しい研究手法を積極的に取り入れていく戦略をとっています。また国内外の製薬企業や研究機関と連携し、新しい治療の創出を目指します。私達は東北大学病院において腫瘍内科として、様々な固形腫瘍の薬物療法の診療を担い、多岐にわたる臨床研究を行っています。こうした活動を通して将来的に社会的ニーズの高い腫瘍内科医の育成を行っています。進行がんの薬物療法、集学的がん治療、緩和ケアに興味を持ち、新しい診断法や治療法の開発に意欲的であり、かつ新薬の開発治験に積極的に参加していきたいと考える若い人材を歓迎いたします。常に変化し続けるがん医療の最前線で、「患者さんに教わり患者さんに還元する」という理念を大切にし「Clinical QuestionからPractice Changingへ」という気概をもって、共に未来の治療を創造していきましょう。
Molecular Tumor Boad
がんゲノムカンファTakahashi S, et al. Breast Cancer 2021 Online ahead of print.
乳がんにおける新規バイオマーカーとしてのTP53 signature開発Hiraide S, et al. Cancer Sci. 2021;112:3856-3870.
Iwasaki K, et al. Specific cancer types and prognosis in patients with variations in the KEAP1-NRF2 system: A retrospective cohort study. Cancer Sci. 2024 Sep 26. doi: 10.1111/cas.16355.
Yoshida Y, et al. Tretinoin synergistically enhances the antitumor effect of combined BRAF, MEK, and EGFR inhibition in BRAFV600E colorectal cancer. Cancer Sci. 2024 Aug 22. doi: 10.1111/cas.16280.
Umegaki S, et al. Distinct role of CD8 cells and CD4 cells in antitumor immunity triggered by cell apoptosis using a Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase/ganciclovir system. Cancer Sci. 2023 Aug;114(8):3076-3086.
Wakayama S, et al. TP53 Gain-of-Function Mutation is a Poor Prognostic Factor in High-Methylated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2023 Sep;22(3):327-338.
Ouchi K, et al. A modified MethyLight assay predicts the clinical outcomes of anti-epidermal growth factor receptor treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Sci. 2022 Mar;113(3):1057-1068.