
  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Cardiovascular Surgery心臓血管外科学

  • 大動脈疾患(aortic disease)
  • 先天性心疾患(congenital heart disease)
  • 虚血性心疾患(ischemic heart disease)
  • 弁膜症(valvular disease)
  • 重症心不全(severe heart failure)
  • 心臓移植(heart transplant)



  • Saiki, YoshikatsuProfessor. 齋木 佳克 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Kumagai, Kiichiro
    Assoc. Prof. 熊谷 紀一郎 准教授
  • Yusuke, Suzuki
    Assistant Prof. 鈴木 佑輔 助教




Our division actively collaborates with scientists to translate advances from basic research to the bedside. The lab provides training opportunities for students to perform research in pursuit of their degrees at all levels.

Current ongoing research projects in our division are following:
(1)The treatment of thoracic aneurysm
・Elucidation and control of the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysm.
・Development of a minimally invasive technology to detect aortic aneurysm.
・Development of a novel spinal cord protection method.
・Tissue regeneration method for acute aortic dissection.
・Bioabsorbable material to reinforce the aortic wall.

(2)Drug Delivery System (DDS)
・Prevention of angiostenosis using biodegradable stent/felt
・Development of substitute autopericardium

(3)Researches on reducing ischemia-reperfusion injury
・Development of a real-time monitoring blood flow sensor which enable direct monitoring of organ (tissue) blood flow collaborating with the biomedical engineering teams
・Elucidation of the molecular mechanism which enable its control by using the target molecule of ischemia-reperfusion injury.

(4)Regenerative therapy
Our division investigates the possibility of cell therapy for prevention of aortic aneurysm, treatment of aortic dissection, and treatment of spinal cord infarction.

心臓血管外科学分野の特色は、マウスなどの小動物から犬・ブタにいたる大動物を使用したin vivo動物モデルでの基礎研究の実践であり、主要研究テーマは以下の3つが挙げられる。
A有効薬剤が局所に効果的に徐放されるDDS(Drug Delivery System)を応用し、血管吻合部狭窄を引き起こしうる内膜肥厚の制御や、癒着防止代用心膜基材の開発に取り組んでいる。
C 再生治療の一環として、Stem cellを使用した大動脈瘤防止、大動脈解離治療、脊髄梗塞等への治療応用を研究している。

  • Esophageal mucosal blood flow sensor indwelling simulation experiment

  • MICS surgical technique training using cadaver

  • 心臓血管外科医局員


Takahashi M, Kushida Y, Kuroda Y, Wakao S, Horibata Y, Sugimoto H, Dezawa M, Saiki Y.
Structural reconstruction of mouse acute aortic dissection by intravenously administered human Muse cells without immunosuppression.
Communications Medicine volume 4, Article number: 174 (2024)

Itagaki K, Katahira S, Sasaki K, Miyatake M, Ito K, Kumagai K, Kondo N, Masuda S, Takagi D, Tabayashi A, Kanda K, Ishizawa A, Yamashita A, Kim C, Kawamoto S, Naganuma M, Ishida K, Ueno K, Saiki Y, on behalf of the TRAD
Study Protocol and Mission for Tohoku Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (TRAD).
Circulation Reports, 10.1253/circrep.CR-24-0079

Otani M, Kushida Y, Kuroda Y, Wakao S, Oguma Y, Sasaki K, Katahira S, Terai R, Ryoke R, Nonaka H, Kawashima R, Saiki Y, Dezawa M.
A new rat model of spinal cord infarction with long-lasting functional disabilities generated by intra-spinal injection of endothelin-1
Stroke Vasc Neurol. 2024 Jun 21:svn-2023-002962. doi: 10.1136/svn-2023-002962.

Kawarai S, Katahira S, Miyatake M, Itagaki K, Tsuruoka N, Haga Y, Saiki Y.
Development of modified laser doppler flowmetry device for real-time monitoring of esophageal mucosal blood flow: a preclinical assessment with an animal model.
J Artif Organs, 2023 Jul. DOI: 10.1007/s10047-023-01408-w

Ito K, Sasaki K, Ono M, Suzuki T, Sakamoto K, Okamoto H, Katori N, Momose N, Araki Y, Tojo K, Ieko M, Komiyama Y, Saiki Y.
Investigation of real-world heparin resistance and anticoagulation management prior to cardiopulmonary bypass: report from a nationwide survey by the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery heparin resistance working group.
Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 72(1):8-14, 2023 May. DOI: 10.1007/s11748-023-01936-
