
Disaster Medical Informatics(International Research Institute of Disaster Science)災害医療情報学(災害科学国際研究所)

  • 災害医療
  • 電子カルテ
  • 標準化
  • SS-MIX2
  • 地域医療情報データベース
  • 避難所アセスメント



  • Nakayama, MasaharuProfessor. 中山 雅晴 教授 (兼任)

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Fujii, Susumu
    Assoc. Prof. 藤井 進 准教授
  • Park, Hyejeong
    Assistant Prof. パク ヘジョン 助教




1.Developing medical information systems for disaster medicine
The disaster management cycle is divided into four phases: “response,”
“recovery,” “mitigation,” and “preparedness.” Information systems for disaster medicine should be built to meet the specific requirements and challenges of each phase, from the setting up of adequate information infrastructure and collection of essential information for triage, to the provision of critical clinical support and efficient management of patients and staff members. Besides developing disaster-ready medical information systems, we are helping others to develop such systems as co-researchers.
2.Promoting backup systems for hospital clinical data
We aim to promote efficient backup systems for clinical data using SS-MIX (Standard Structured Medical Information Exchange). The projects we are involved in are: The Gemini Project (to back up clinical data in national university hospitals), Miyagi Medical and Welfare Information Network (to back up clinical information shared among hospitals in Miyagi Prefecture), and the Japanese Sentinel Project (to develop a large clinical database for preventing adverse events).
3. Improving hospital information systems
We are currently developing applications that will further improve the hospital information system in Tohoku University Hospital. Developing excellent information systems that take into consideration each member of the medical staff would contribute to efficient clinical activity and enhancement of medical safety in hospitals.

1) 災害時に役立つ医療情報システムの開発
2) 医療情報のバックアップ、復旧、データ活用
3) 通常業務の改善

  • One of our projects


Fujii S, Nonaka S, et al. Real-Time Prediction of Medical Demand and Mental Health Status in Ukraine under Russian Invasion Using Tweet Analysis. TJEM, 2023: 259(3):177-188.

Fujii S, Nonaka S, Nakayama M. Use of medical information and digital services for self-empowerment before, during, and after a major disaster. TJEM, 2021; 255(3): 183-194.

Nakayama M, Ishii T. Incorporating Tacit Knowledge of Experts in the Assessment of Shelters Under Disaster. Stud Health Technol Inform. 270:1321-1322, 2020.

Ishii T, Nakayama M, et al. Application of Large Electronic Medical Database for Detecting Undiagnosed Patients in the General Population. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 249(2):113-119, 2019.

Ido K, Nakayama M, et al. Miyagi Medical and Welfare Information Network: A Backup System for Patient Clinical Information after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 248(1):19-25, 2019.
