- Master's Courses
修士課程 - Doctoral Courses
Oncology Nursingがん看護学
Miyashita, MitsunoriProfessor. 宮下 光令 教授 (兼任)
Other Faculty / Staff
Sasaki, Konosuke
Assistant Prof. 佐々木 康之輔 助教 -
Yoshida, Shiori
Assistant Prof. 吉田 詩織 助教
Our department conducts research in oncology nursing and perioperative nursing. Many of our studies involve multiple professions and other departments/labs.
In oncology nursing, we have developed a tele-nursing system and tested the effectiveness of the system for cancer pain management in patients with advanced cancer. We are currently conducting basic research on pain detection using wearable devices. Quality assessment of nurses involved in tele-nursing is also one of our research topics. These studies aim to promote home care management, leading to the establishment of an improved comprehensive care system for the growing number of elderly cancer patients living alone.
Our department also conducts research on perioperative care and the care of patients with cardiovascular diseases. In perioperative care, we conduct clinical trials to prevent postoperative complications and exploratory observational research to detect complications early, focusing not only on the hospitalization period but also on lifestyle after discharge. Besides, we conduct clinical research in patients with implantable left ventricular assist devices and heart transplantation, as well as basic research focusing on the effect of nursing care on autonomic nervous system activity evaluated by heart rate variability.
がん看護では、進行がん患者のがん疼痛緩和に向けたケアとして遠隔看護システムを開発し、効果検証試験に取り組んでおります。現在では、ウェアラブルデバイスを用いた疼痛検知に向けた基礎研究にも取り組んでいます。また、遠隔看護に従事する看護師の質評価(Quality Index)の解明に向けた研究にも取り組んでおります。これらの活動は、在宅医療の推進や、高齢がん患者の独居者が多くなることを見据えた新たな包括ケアシステムの一つとなりえるケア構築を目指しています。
吉田詩織、星野瑞季、佐々木康之輔、佐藤冨美子.訪問看護師が認識するがん疼痛緩和に関する困難感および知識とセルフケア実践との関連、がん看護,28(4) 391-397,2023.
Yoshida S, Sato F, Tagami K, Sasaki R, Takahashi C, Sasaki K, Takahashi S.Development of the Opioid Self-Management Scale for Advanced Cancer Patients with Pain and Examination of Its Validity and Reliability: BMC Palliative Care, 21(1):102,2022. doi: 10.1186/s12904-022-00987-4.
Takahashi C, Sato F, Yoshida S. Development of the Quality of Life of Family Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patients Scale (QFCS) in Japan: Psychometric Properties. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing,2022.4.22.
Hoshi J, Sasaki K, Maruyama R. Listening to J.S. Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major" May Suppress the Sympathetic Nervous Activity. TJEM. 259(1):85-91, 2022. doi: 10.1620/tjem.2022.J100.
Sasaki K, Kumagai K, Maeda K, Akiyama M, Ito K, Matsuo S, Katahira S, Suzuki T, Suzuki Y, Kaiho Y, Sugawara Y, Tsuji I, Saiki Y. Preventive effect of low-dose landiolol on postoperative atrial fibrillation study (PELTA study). Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 68(11):1240-1251, 2020 doi: 10.1007/s11748-020-01364-9.