障害科学専攻 保健学専攻

  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Palliative Nursing緩和ケア看護学

  • 緩和ケア
  • 終末期医療
  • 質評価
  • がん・非がん疾患
  • 患者報告型アウトカム
  • ビッグデータ
  • 自然言語処理
  • 人工知能



  • Miyashita, MitsunoriProfessor. 宮下 光令 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Aoyama, Maho
    Lect. 青山 真帆 講師
  • Masukawa, Kento
    Assistant Prof. 升川 研人 助教




Palliative nursing provides nursing care that supports patients and their families and improves the quality of life of patients and their families who suffer from physical, psychological, social, and spiritual distress regardless of cancer or non-cancer diseases. In addition, by studying in the master's course in the department, students can obtain the qualifications to take the oncology certified nurse specialist examination.
The main topic of the laboratory is the evaluation of the quality of palliative care through the post-bereavement survey. Recently, we are also working on palliative care for non-cancer diseases, big data analysis, the application of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, and new technology into palliative care.

The research projects we are currently working on are as follows. (May 2023)
・ Evaluation of the quality of palliative care through post-bereavement survey and big data analysis
・ Depression and grief of bereaved family members
・ Evaluation of the quality of specialized palliative care using patient-reported outcomes
・ Routine clinical use of patient-reported outcomes
・ Palliative care for non-cancer patients (dementia, emergency/ICU, psychiatric disorders, etc.)
・ Application of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, image recognition, voice recognition, etc. into palliative care

緩和ケア看護学の目的は、がん・非がん疾患を問わず身体的・心理的・社会的・スピリチュアルな苦痛を抱える患者・家族のQuality of Lifeを維持し向上させることにより、患者ご家族が、苦痛なく安心して生活することを支えるための看護を提供することにあります。また、本分野の修士課程(博士前期課程)で学ぶことにより、がん看護専門看護師の受験資格を取得することができます。

・ 遺族調査やビッグデータ解析による緩和ケアの質の評価
・ 遺族の抑うつや・悲嘆
・ 患者報告型アウトカムを用いた専門的緩和ケアの質の評価
・ 患者報告型アウトカムの臨床活用
・ 非がん患者に対する緩和ケア(認知症、救急・ICU領域、精神科疾患など)
・ 人工知能・自然言語処理・画像認識・音声認識などの緩和ケアにおける活用


Aoyama M, et al. Factors related to suicidal ideation among bereaved family members of patients with cancer: Results from a nationwide bereavement survey in Japan. J Affect Disord. 316:91–8, 2022 .

Masukawa K, et al. Machine learning models to detect social distress, spiritual pain, and severe physical psychological symptoms in terminally ill patients with cancer from unstructured text data in electronic medical records. Palliat Med. 36(8):1207–16, 2022

Aoyama M, et al. Predicting models of depression or complicated grief among bereaved family members of patients with cancer. Psychooncology. 30(7):1151–9, 2021.

Kinoshita H, et al. Place of Death and the Differences in Patient Quality of Death and Dying and Caregiver Burden. J Clin Oncol. 33(4): 357-363, 2015.

Morita T, et al. Effects of a programme of interventions on regional comprehensive palliative care for patients with cancer: a mixed-methods study. Lancet Oncol. 14(7): 638-646, 2013.
