障害科学専攻 保健学専攻

  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Child Health Nursing小児看護学

  • 子供
  • 家族
  • 心理社会的支援
  • 発達障害
  • 小児がん
  • 告知
  • 意思決定
  • 療育



  • Shiwaku, HitoshiProfessor. 塩飽 仁 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Irie, Wataru
    Assistant Prof. 入江 亘 助教




The purpose of this study is to clarify the kinds of images that children hold about disease in general and the diseases that they have actually suffered. The total number of subjects(child and parent) in this study was 1298.They ranged from 4th graders to 9th graders. We have collected 357 valid responses.
The result of our analysis is as follows.
1.Children image "cancer" with the highest frequency when they heard the word "disease" (130 children, 38.7%), followed by influenza (77 children, 22.9%) and common cold (34 children, 10.1%).
2.While children in elementary school tend to image minor diseases, students of junior high school image diseases that are more serious.
3.Children who imaged serious diseases showed more negative images, such as "scary," "tough and hard," "painful," and "fatal," about the diseases that they had listed than those who imaged minor diseases and chronic diseases.
4.While 82.2% of children answered that they would like to know about their own serious diseases, 14.1% of them responded that they would not like to know.
5.Children who imaged serious diseases showed a stronger interest in knowing about their own diseases than those who imagined minor diseases.



Nagoya Y, et al. “Barriers” and “Difficulties” felt by Pediatric Nurses Providing End-of-Life Care. Journal of Japanese Society of Child Health Nursing 23(3):49-55,2014[Jpn]

Nagoya Y, et al. How did the parents informed that their child with incurable cancer make decisions about treatment course of their child? Journal of North Japan Academy of Nursing Science 17(1),11-17.2014[Jpn]

Nagoya Y, Shiwaku H, Suzuki Y. Nurses' Conflicts in Caring for “End-of-Life Children” with Cancer and Their Parents. Journal of Japanese Society of Child Health Nursing 22(2):41-47.2013 [Jpn]

Irie W, et al. Fathers’ Feeling and Thought towards Their Interaction during the Hospitalization of Their Children with Cancer-Comparison between Fathers of Childhood Cancer Patients and the Others of Children on Long Hospitalization-.J.JSPON 7:28-38.2012[Jpn]

Shiho S, Yukiko S, Hitoshi S. Factors Associated with Children’s Ineffective Coping Behavior during Blood Sampling. Japanese journal of nursing research 34(4):23-31.2011[Jpn]
