- Master's Courses
修士課程 - Doctoral Courses
Clinical Microbiology and Infection感染病態学
Aoyagi, TetsujiProfessor. 青柳 哲史 教授
Other Faculty / Staff
Sato, Ko
Assistant Prof. 佐藤 光 助教
The threat of emerging infectious diseases, such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the risks of healthcare-associated infections, and the concern about antimicrobial resistant organisms have been increasing worldwide. The Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infection operates together with the Department of Comprehensive Infectious Diseases, and conducts research and development from basic research to clinical application in the areas of infectious diseases diagnostics and treatment, infection control and prevention, and clinical microbiology and immunology. Specifically, we will focus on basic and clinical research in the development of new anti-microbial agents and vaccines, establishment of new diagnostic methods for infectious diseases, understanding of host-pathogens interaction, and mechanisms and molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial stewardship and therapy, and development of infection prevention strategies and control measures. By establishing an integrated basic and clinical approach to infectious diseases and infection control, we educate students and researchers in the Departments of Health Sciences and Medicine, and train specialists with comprehensive skills in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases and infection control.
COVID-19をはじめとする国境を越えて新興・再興感染症の脅威が高まってきており、感染症は世界中の医療関連施設、地域社会全体の危機と認識され、感染症診療および感染症対策はますます重要になってきております。感染症は、微生物が人から人あるいは物から人に伝播するという特徴があるため、個人や病棟・医療施設を超えて、さらには地域全体に感染症が伝播・拡大し、危機的な状況を引き起こす可能性があります。感染病態学では、医科学 総合感染症学分野と教室を共に運営し、臨床感染症、感染制御学、感染症疫学、臨床微生物学の領域において基礎的研究から臨床応用を目指した研究開発を行います。具体的には、新規抗微生物薬やワクチン開発、感染症新規診断法の確立、重症感染症の病態解明と治療法の開発、薬剤耐性菌の耐性メカニズムと分子疫学、抗菌薬適正使用と感染症治療、新規感染制御策の開発などに取り組みを行います。このように基礎―臨床一体化した感染症学を確立することで医学科・保健学科の学生教育や研究者の育成、感染症に関する診断・治療・予防に関する総合的な対応能力を有する専門的人材の育成をおこなっています。
Aoyagi T et al. IL-36 receptor deletion attenuates lung injury and decreases mortality in murine influenza pneumonia. Mucosal Immunology. 10(4): 1043-1055, 2017. doi: 10.1038/mi.2016.107.
Aoyagi T et al. Interleukin-36 gamma and IL-36 receptor signaling mediate impaired host immunity and lung injury in cytotoxic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infection: Role of prostaglandin E2. PLoS Pathogens.13(11): e1006737, 2017. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006737.
Aoyagi T et al. Etoposide and corticosteroid combination therapy improves acute respiratory distress syndrome in mice. Shock. 52(1): 83-91, 2019. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001231.
Sato K, et al. Production of IL-17A at innate immune phase leads to decreased Th1 immune response and attenuated host defense against infection with Cryptococcus deneoformans. J Immunol. 205(3): 686-698, 2020. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1901238.
Sato K, et al. TMPRSS2 activates hemagglutinin-esterase glycoprotein of influenza C virus. J Virol. 95(21): e0129621, 2021. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01296-21.