


Develop human resources who use AI technology to solve problems,
in order to create new medical technologies to contribute to society.

Health Sciences
画像診断学分野 教授
Department of Clinical Imaging Professor
植田 琢也
Takuya Ueda

植田 琢也


A multidisciplinary approach to the creation of medical technology for use in clinical practice.



●What is the summary of your research?

The Department of Diagnostic Imaging aims to create technologies that really can be applied in clinical practice, and combines medical and mathematical methods.
The main research topics include AI-based diagnostic imaging research on breast and neurological diseases, research on improving the accuracy of AI through pre-image processing of image data, and research on cardiovascular disease using computational fluid dynamics models.
A variety of people, including doctors specializing in medicine, radiological technologists specializing in image processing, and data scientists specializing in applied mathematics and AI, participate the project, which promotes a multidisciplinary approach to research.


A place for the development of future medical personnel with an emphasis on “learning together”.



●What is the atmosphere in the lab?

Our department collaborates with the Tohoku University Advanced Graduate Program for Future Medicine and Health Care, where Professor Ueda serves as a facilitator. The program aims to nurture human resources who are able to find medical problems and proposes the solutions by themselves by discussing and facilitating with their professors, and to develop the skills, knowledge, and solutions necessary to achieve their goals. We are training students to become professionals of future medicine using data science and new technologies.
We accepts a variety of people interested in medical AI research, including graduate students (Ph.D. and M.D.) from the School of Medicine and Department of Health Sciences as well as medical undergraduate students, research students, corporate AI engineers, and interns from overseas, all of whom work together in a lively, fun, and cheerful atmosphere.
Reflecting Prof. Ueda’s personality, faculty members, students, seniors, and juniors have a flat relationship with no hierarchical relationships, and they all work together in research and study with an attitude of “learning together”.


In April 2021, a new course for medical AI human resource development will be launched with the aim of creating medical technologies to enrich people’s lives.



東北大学は、文部科学省「保健医療分野におけるAI研究開発加速に向けた人材養成産学協働プロジェクト」に採択され、2021年4月より北海道大学、岡山大学を連携校として「『Global×Localな医療課題解決を目指した最先端AI研究開発』人材育成教育拠点」プログラムを開始いたします。私がディレクターを務める東北大学病院AI Labは、このプログラムの中で中心的な役割を担い、地域ならではの医療課題をキュレーションし、AI技術を駆使した解決法をデザインできる人材(大学院生)を広く育成していきます。


主幹校、北海道大学、岡山大学を連携校として、地方都市ならではの豊富な医療課題をキュレーションし、AI 解決までをデザインできる人材の養成を目指す「Global×Localな医療課題解決を目指した最先端AI研究開発」- Clinical AI -として文部科学省に採択された大学院人材育成のプログラムです。
超高齢社会、人口減少、医師の偏在、働き方改革など、山積する我が国の医療課題に立ち向かうため、Clinical AIの教育プログラムは今後ますます重要になってくるAI技術を医療現場での実課題解決に最適に活用できる人材育成の拠点として、保健医療の向上を可能にする優れた人材を輩出いたします。
Clinical AI の教育プログラムは、AIの基礎を学ぶレクチャー(第1 段)、デザイン思考に基づく医療AI課題設定を学ぶワークショップ(第2 段)、実際に自身の医療課題に対する医療AI開発を行う研究(第3 段)と3 つのステップから成り立っており、ステップアップしながら医療AI の開発や実践を担う人材へと成長するように構築されています。 最終的には医療AI領域でのトップイノベーターを輩出することを目標としています。


●What would you like to say to prospective students, including what you expect of them?

“Supporting people to continue to live a healthy and prosperous life.”
All medical professionals have common empathy. Please always remind to ask yourself “How to promote research to enrich people’s lives rather than promoting research because you have outstanding technology as technology is always for human’s happiness. We hope that researchers also motivate and enjoy their research. This will directly lead to their contribution to society. We hope that our lab will be a place where many of the future’s talents are born.

Tohoku University has been selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for the “Industry-Academia Collaboration Project for Accelerating AI Research and Development in the Health Care Field”. In April 2021, Tohoku University will start the “Developing human resources for ‘Leading-edge AI Research aiming at Solving Global ∧ Local Medical Issues’” program in collaboration with Hokkaido University and Okayama University. The Tohoku University Hospital AI Lab, of which Professor Ueda is the director, will play a central role in this program, curating medical issues unique to the region and training a wide range of human resources (graduate students) who can design solutions that make full use of AI technology.


An up-and-coming laboratory with unlimited possibilities



●What career paths are available to me after I complete the program? And how are graduates doing?

The Department of Clinical Imaging is in its second year of operation, and there are no master’s and doctoral students in the department. As the medical AI field is a new field that just begun, for now, we cannot predict future career path of this field based on the traditional experience. However, considering the growth of AI technology in recent years, the demand for medical AI professionals in all fields of medical institutions, research institutes, and companies is very high, and therefore, the future of this field is truly a “blue ocean”. Design your own future, and you will fully enjoy the unlimited possibilities in this field.



●Is it possible to study while working in a hospital or business?

Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine is open to graduates of other schools and working professionals. Do not hesitate to discuss and maximize the possibilities with us. 


An open university that transcends the boundaries of departments and clinics



●What is the best thing about Tohoku University?

Tohoku University ranked as number one university in Japan in the 2020 World University Rankings. The resources are overwhelming and will help you a lot in making your wishes a reality.
The people of Sendai are one of the most comfortable place to live in Japan, coupled with the pleasant climate (except for cold winter…) and good food. Reflecting this comfortable climate, people are very friendly and there are few barriers between disciplines and departments, and free from sectionalism. This creates an atmosphere that facilitates interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research.
I have experienced several research and educational institutions, including Chiba University, University of Tsukuba, and Stanford University, and I feel that Tohoku University is one of the most open and comfortable place to live and work.



●For those who are interested

We look forward to hearing from a wide range of people, not just AI experts. Please feel free to contact us by email if you are interested in our research lab!

  • 写真1フィロソフィー
  • 写真2アノテーションを行う大学院生
  • 写真3ディスカッション風景
  • 写真4東北大学病院AI Lab
  • 写真5「医療AI人材育成拠点プログラム」イメージ1
  • 写真6「医療AI人材育成拠点プログラム」イメージ2


プライベートでは音楽をこよなく愛し、アカペラ・ジャズコーラスの活動をしています。ジャズフェスティバルやジャズクラブなど国内でときおり演奏するほか、アジア各地で毎年開催される「Vocal Asia」に参加・演奏するなど音楽を介した国際交流も行っています。(最近コロナ禍で、皆で歌うことが出来ないのが悩みの種です。)

In my personal life, I love music and perform acapella and jazz choir. I sometimes perform at jazz festivals and jazz clubs, and I also perform acapella in the annual “Vocal Asia Festival”.(Now we are struggling with the situation that we cannot sing together in the recent COVID-19 situation.)


Health Sciences
画像診断学分野 教授
Department of Clinical Imaging Professor
植田 琢也
Takuya Ueda

千葉大学医学部卒。千葉大学、筑波大学、Stanford大学客員講師・聖路加国際病院・東北大学病院への勤務を経て、20189月より東北大学大学院医学系研究科 画像診断学分野教授に就任。心血管系領域の画像診断の医療研究にとりくむとともに、臨床医療に数学的手法を取り入れた学際的研究を行う。東北大学病院「AI Lab」ディレクターとしてAI研究を推進し、「AI研究開発加速に向けた人材養成産学協働プロジェクト」のコアメンバーとしてAI人材育成を行っている。

Professor Ueda graduated from Chiba University School of Medicine and worked for Chiba University, Tsukuba University, Stanford University, St. Luke’s International Hospital, and Tohoku University Hospital before becoming a professor at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in September 2008. Professor Ueda has been involved in medical research on cardiovascular imaging and interdisciplinary research on clinical medicine using mathematical methods. Professor Ueda is promoting AI research as the director of the Tohoku University Hospital AI Lab, and is training AI talents in Tohoku University School of Medicine, as a core member of the "Industry-Academia Collaboration Project for Accelerating AI Research and Development".


画像診断学分野(Department of Clinical Imaging)

