医科学専攻 障害科学専攻

  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Maternal and Fetal Therapeutics産科学・胎児病態学

  • 産科
  • 胎児生理学
  • 胎児心電図
  • 早産
  • 子宮内環境
  • 胎内診断



  • Saito, MasatoshiProfessor. 齋藤 昌利 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Kasahara, Yoshiyuki
    Lect. 笠原好之 講師
  • Kimura, Yoshitaka
    Visiting Professor. 木村芳孝 客員教授




In our laboratory, we investigate the mechanisms, diagnostic and therapeutic methods of preterm birth and disease in the fetal period. The number of preterm births is increasing every year, and saving the lives of preterm infants and eliminating their sequelae is a very important issue. Therefore, we develop an artificial uterus and placenta to enable fetuses born prematurely to develop normally outside the body. Currently, we develop artificial uterus and placenta using fetal sheep, and have succeeded in growing fetal sheep outside the body for a long period.
It is also important to predict preterm birth and diagnose it early. We have developed a medical device that can measure the heartrate of a human fetus with high accuracy. Using this device, we study to elucidate the physiological state of the fetus and formulate criteria for diagnosing preterm birth and hypoxia.
In addition, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and diabetes are among the diseases whose risk is increased by preterm birth and environmental factors (inflammation, stress, etc.) during the fetal period. We study on mice to determine what abnormalities are seen in these diseases during the fetal period, and whether it is possible to diagnose and treat them from the fetal stage.



Kasahara Y, et al. Assessments of Heart Rate and Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Activities of Normal Mouse Fetuses at Different Stages of Fetal Development Using Fetal Electrocardiography. Front Physiol. 2021 Apr 8;12:652828.

Kasahara Y, et al. Alterations in the autonomic nerve activities of prenatal autism model mice treated with valproic acid at different developmental stages. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 20;10(1):17722.

Minato T, et al. Relationship Between Short Term Variability (STV) and Onset of Cerebral Hemorrhage at Ischemia-Reperfusion Load in Fetal Growth Restricted (FGR) Mice. Front Physiol. 2018 May 18;9:478.
