
  • Master's Courses 
  • Doctoral Courses 

Breast and Endocrine Surgical Oncology乳腺・内分泌外科学

  • 乳癌(Breast cancer)
  • 甲状腺癌(Thyroid cancer)
  • 外科腫瘍学研究(Surgical Oncology Study)
  • 集学的治療法の開発(Development of multidisciplinary therapy)
  • 乳癌検診(Breast Cancer Screening)
  • ナノ医科学(Nanomedicine)



  • Ishida, TakanoriProfessor. 石田 孝宣 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Tada, Hiroshi
    Assistant Prof. 多田 寛 准教授
  • Hamanaka, Yohei
    Assistant Prof. 濱中 洋平 准教授
  • Miyashita, Minoru
    Lect. 宮下 穣 講師
  • Harada, Narumi
    Assistant Prof. 原田 成美 助教
  • Ebata, Akiko
    Assistant Prof. 江幡 明子 助教
  • Sato, Mami
    Assistant Prof. 佐藤 真美 助教
  • Sato, Miku
    Assistant Prof. 佐藤 未来 助教




In our laboratory, we conduct a wide range of research activities on surgery and oncology, specifically focusing on surgical oncology. In addition, we promote educational activities based on our new research and train surgeons using excellent technologies.
Our main target diseases are breast and thyroid cancer. We focus on the epidemiology, diagnosis, biological properties, genomic analysis, and multidisciplinary treatments (surgical methods, medical oncology, radiation therapy) of these diseases. Basic and clinical research have been conducted in these areas, and we have had many achievements. One example, breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer is a newly developed surgical method that combines curability with excellent cosmetic results. Furthermore, we have participated in many international joint trials and are focusing on the development of new drugs.
In terms of oncology, we have focused our basic research on pathology, biomarker, and metabolome analysis. Our research has elucidated the biological properties of breast and thyroid cancer.
Furthermore, we have conducted leading-edge research in the fields of genetic medicine, genome research, breast cancer screening and nanomedicine. We are also focused on the career development of new/young researchers.



1) Harada-Shoji N,et al, total 8. Evaluation of Adjunctive Ultrasonography for Breast Cancer Detection Among Women Aged 40-49 Years With Varying Breast Density Undergoing Screening Mammography. JAMA Network Open, 4(8).2021.

2) Sato M,et al, total 14. L-type amino acid transporter 1 is associated with chemoresistance in breast cancer via the promotion of amino acid metabolism. Sci Rep. 11(1):589. 2021.

3) Tada H,et al, total 4. Clinical Significance of ABCG2/BCRP Quantified by Fluorescent Nanoparticles in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. Cancers (Basel). PMID: 37190293. 2023.

4) Shindo H,et al, total 17. Targeting Amino Acid Metabolic Reprogramming via L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1 (LAT1) for Endocrine-Resistant Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel). PMID: 34503187, 2021.

5) Harada-Shoji N,et al, total 11. A metabolic profile of routine needle biopsies identified tumor type specific metabolic signatures for breast cancer stratification. Metabolomics. PMID: 31686242. 2019.
