Developmental Neuroscience(United Centers for Advanced Research and Translational Medicine)発生発達神経科学(附属創生応用医学研究センター)
Osumi, NorikoProfessor. 大隅 典子 教授
Other Faculty / Staff
Wakamatsu, Yoshio
Assoc. Prof. 若松 義雄 准教授 -
Kikkawa, Takako
Assistant Prof. 吉川 貴子 助教 -
Ochi, Shohei
Assistant Prof. 越智 翔平 助教
How our brain is formed? Our aim is to understand 1) molecular mechanisms of brain development and evolution, 2) genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and 3) sex difference in the developmental program of the cortex.
We have identified multiple functions of a transcription factor Pax6 that regulates proliferation and differentiation of radial glia (i.e., neural stem/progenitor cells) via its specific downstream molecule including a fatty acid binding protein Fabp7 and a transcription factor Dmrta1, respectively. Recently, we are focusing on molecular machineries regulating transportation of mRNA (e.g., Cyclin D2) to the basal end of the radial glial processes and their impact on cortical development and evolution.
We are also working very hard on elucidation of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms for etiology of neurodevelopmental diseases such as ASD. A hint has come from the possibility that Pax6 and paternal aging may be involved in the pathophysiology of ASD. We are now introducing a new system for mouse behavior using IntelliCage? to introducing AI-based analyses using big dataset.
As a part of “gendered research”, we are now challenging to understand molecular mechanisms that govern sex difference in brain development, which might underly gender difference in onset of brain diseases such as ASD.
私たちの脳はどのように形成されるのでしょう? 当研究室では、1)脳の発生と進化の分子メカニズム、2)自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)の遺伝的・エピジェネティックなメカニズム、3)大脳皮質の発達プログラムの性差、を解明することを目指しています。これまで、転写因子Pax6が、脂肪酸結合タンパク質Fabp7や転写因子Dmrta1などの特定の下流分子を介して、放射状グリア(神経幹/前駆細胞)の増殖と分化を制御する多機能性を解明してきました。最近では、Cyclin D2などのmRNAを放射状グリアの基底部先端に輸送する分子機構と、大脳皮質の発生と進化に与える影響に注目しています。また、ASDなどの神経発達疾患の原因となる遺伝子やエピジェネティックなメカニズムの解明にも力を入れています。数あるASDのリスク因子の中で着目しているのはPax6や父方の加齢です。現在、IntelliCage?を用いたマウスの行動解析システムを新たに導入し、ビッグデータを用いたAIによる解析の導入を進めています。さらに、「ジェンダー研究」の一環として、ASDなどの脳疾患発症の性差の背景にあると考えられる、脳の発達における性差を支配する分子メカニズムの解明にも挑戦しています。
Our Research on Development of the Brain and Testis
本研究室で扱う脳や精巣の発生に関する研究Our Laboratory
研究室の様子Our Laboratory
Kimura R, *Yukiko U. Inoue, *Kikkawa T, et al.: Detection of REST expression in the testis using epitope-tag knock-in mice generated by genome editing. Dev Dyn 2021. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.417. Online ahead of print (*equally contributed).
Osumi N, Tatehana M.: Transgenerational epigenetic information through the sperm: Sperm cells not just merely supply half of the genome for new life; they also seem to transmit additional information via epigenetic modifications. EMBO Rep 2021.22(8):e53539. 2021.
Yoshizaki K., et al.: Paternal age affects offspring via an epigenetic mechanism involving REST/NRSF. EMBO Rep. 2021.22: e51524. 2021.
Thonghorn et al.: Sex differences in the effects of prenatal bisphenol A exposure on autism-related genes and their relationships with the hippocampus functions. Sci Rep 2021 Jan 13;11(1):1241. 2021.
Casingal et al.: Identification of FMRP target mRNAs in the developmental brain: FMRP might coordinate Ras/MAPK, Wnt/β-catenin, and mTOR signaling during corticogenesis. Mol Brain 2020 Dec 16;13(1):167.