障害科学専攻 保健学専攻

  • Master's Courses 

Psychiatric Nursing精神看護学

  • 精神疾患
  • 認知症
  • スティグマ
  • 教育プログラム開発
  • インターネット調査
  • 心理教育



  • Yoshii, HatsumiProfessor. 吉井 初美 教授

Other Faculty / Staff

  • Nakanishi, Miharu
    Assoc. Prof. 中西 三春 准教授
  • Sakai, Mai
    Assistant Prof. 坂井 舞 助教




We pursue scientific evidence upholding safe, effective, and compassionate care for people with mental health illness. Our research expertise includes risk factors for emerging mental health challenges, stigma associated with mental illness, and palliative care for people with dementia.
Mental health systems encompass the implementation of evidence-based interventions for mental health promotion and prevention and treatment of mental illness. Therefore, the primary responsibility of mental health nursing lies in providing evidence-based care for the person in a holistic manner that addresses social, as well as psychological and biological determinants of mental health. Our research involves policies and programs as well as individual-level practices or services, and multiple stakeholders including family care partners, community care organizations, and healthcare providers.

精神看護学分野は、精神疾患を有する人々を支援することを目的とした研究に取り組み、精神疾患の発症やスティグマなどの研究、そして、認知症に関する研究を行っています。 当分野が捉える精神看護学の役割は、人々の「精神的不健康の予防」や「精神的健康の維持・増進」のために、生物学的、社会的、心理学的側面から対象を全人的に捉え、科学的根拠に基づく必要なケアを実施し、発展させていくことです。 精神看護学の対象は、個人だけでなく、家族や地域・学校などの集団、そして、医療者や支援者に対するケアも含みます。


Nakanishi M, et al. Future policy and research for advance care planning in dementia: consensus recommendations from an international Delphi panel of the European Association for Palliative Care. Lancet Healthy Longev. 2024;5(5):e370-e378.

Yamamoto M, et al. Glial Markers of Suicidal Behavior in the Human Brain-A Systematic Review of Postmortem Studies. Int J Mol Sci. 2024;25(11):5750.

Nakanishi M, et al. Association between menopause and suicidal ideation in mothers of adolescents: A longitudinal study using data from a population-based cohort. J Affect Disord. 2023;340:529-534.

Sakai M, et al. N-Acetylcysteine Suppresses Microglial Inflammation and Induces Mortality Dose-Dependently via Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Signaling. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(4):3798.

Nakanishi M, et al. Adolescent carers’ psychological symptoms and mental well-being during the COVID-19: longitudinal study using data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. J Adolescent Health. 2022;70(6):877-884.
