


Multidisciplinary research for people with physical disabilities
in an environment opened to the university and beyond

Disability Sciences
肢体不自由学分野 教授
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Professor
出江 紳一
Shinichi Izumi

出江 紳一


Faculty members, international students, and corporate researchers from different backgrounds are involved in research for the physically challenged.


大きな枠組みとしては、身体性を基盤とする回復の原理を理解し新たなリハビリテーション治療を開発する研究、医療におけるコミュニケーションの機能と構造を明らかにして臨床と教育に応用する研究、そして医療機器や障害支援機器につながる医工連携研究の3つがあります。具体的には、脳卒中片麻痺の回復の基盤となる中枢神経系の可塑性に関する研究、障害者の身体意識の変容に関する研究、中枢神経系の可塑的変化を誘導する非侵襲的脳刺激(経頭蓋磁気刺激、経頭蓋直流電気刺激)に関する研究(写真1)、ニューロモジュレーションや筋力増強に用いる末梢神経刺激に特化した磁気刺激装置の開発(写真2)、3次元動作解析技術や筋電図などを用いた運動障害の理解(写真3)と治療用装具の開発、摂食嚥下の運動障害に関する研究、サルコペニアと嚥下障害関連肺炎に関する基礎および臨床研究、Patient-reported outcomeを用いた臨床研究、ロービジョンリハビリテーションに関する研究、患者中心のチーム医療に用いられるコーチング技術に関する研究(写真4)、災害被災者のレジリエンスに関する研究を行っています。

What is your research summary?

There are three major frameworks: research to develop new rehabilitation treatments by understanding the principles of physicality-based recovery, research to identify the function and structure of communication in medicine and apply it to clinical and educational applications, and medical-industrial research that leads to medical devices and disability assistive devices.
Specifically, we have conducted research on the plasticity of the central nervous system as a basis for recovery from stroke hemiplegia, the alteration of body consciousness in disabled people, non-invasive brain stimulation (transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current electrical stimulation) to induce plastic changes in the central nervous system (Photo 1), the development of a magnetic stimulator specialized in peripheral nerve stimulation for neuromodulation and muscle strengthening (Photo 2), understanding of movement disorders using 3D motion analysis technology and electromyography (Photo 3) and development of therapeutic orthotics, movement disorders of feeding and swallowing, basic and clinical studies on sarcopenia and dysphagia-related pneumonia,  clinical research utilizing patient-reported outcome, research on low vision rehabilitation, research on coaching techniques used in patient-centered team medicine (Photo 4), and research on resilience of disaster victims.



What is the atmosphere like in your Department?

Each member decides on his or her own research theme and works diligently on it. Our students have various backgrounds such as medical or engineering, Japanese or foreign nationals, and various medical professionals, and there is an atmosphere of mutual respect and support.
Our department is not only open inside, but is also open to the outside through conducting joint research with other faculties and companies, accepting corporate researchers for clinical site observation, and accepting short-term students from abroad.
The number of current students in our department is more than 30 students in the master’s and PhD programs altogether, and the international students from China, Thailand, Pakistan, and Ecuador have joined our department. The backgrounds of the faculty members are also diverse, which cover rehabilitation medicine, clinical epidemiology, educational psychology, respiratory medicine, neurology, and psychiatry.
In addition, part-time instructors such as physicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and welfare engineering researchers also provide research guidance.
As such, our research area is broad, but quite consistent in terms of research for people with physical disabilities. We believe that by looking at one thing from multiple perspectives, we can deepen our understanding and create something new.


A place to grow proactively through research under favorable environment and a guidance of supervisors



Please give a message to prospective students, including what you expect from them.

Graduate school requires students to be more independent than undergraduate students. We hope that you will have established your own style of study by the time you enter graduate school. Once you are enrolled in graduate school, you will grow through active dialogue with other students and faculty members. The university exists for the benefit of its students.
I understand that “Research first”, that is one of the philosophies of Tohoku University, means that students learn through research (in another word from the faculty’s point of view, we should educate students through research).
Therefore, I don’t believe that students are there for the sake of research, but rather that research can be a means for students to grow and, in some cases, to secure a job or a career. Nevertheless, it is my greatest pleasure as a professor at university to meet students who find the excitement of research and continue to pursue it, and to keep in touch with those who have completed their studies.



What career paths are available after completing the program? What are the graduates doing well?

There are a variety of positions available, including teaching and research positions, leaders as medical professionals, and corporate employment. In the education and research field, they work as professors, associate professors and other leaders, and in the medical profession, they work as heads of departments in hospitals. International students with engineering backgrounds are active in Japan’s listed companies, etc.



Is it possible to study while working at a hospital or in a company?

It is possible. However, in order to attend lectures and conduct research, you must, of course, gain the understanding of your workplace. Some students are studying at the graduate school while working in the rehabilitation department of Tohoku University Hospital.



What are the advantages of Tohoku University?

The research environment is well-developed, and there are many top-notch researchers around, who are willing to teach you if you ask for help. Another advantage of Tohoku University is that it is relatively easy to implement the results of research into society, as industry-university cooperation is very active. Sendai is a very comfortable city to live in. You can live and work near the campus and enjoy the city life while being close to nature.

  • 写真11. 運動観察と組み合わせた経頭蓋磁気刺激の実験風景
  • 写真22. 新規に開発した末梢神経磁気刺激装置
  • 写真33. 新規に開発した装置による屋外での動作解析
  • 写真44. 『リハスタッフのためのコーチング活用ガイド 第2版』表紙
  • 写真55. 研究室メンバーと



I'm often asked why I chose rehabilitation. It's difficult to answer the question why, as the TV commercials say that "There's more than one answer”. When I think back to my time in university, 1981, when I was in my fifth year of medical school, was the International Year of Disability, and it was around this time that the word "rehabilitation" was featured in a magazine called Medicina that caught my eyes. I also recall that in the spring of the year I entered the School of Medicine, the newspaper of Keio University had a front-page article on the establishment of the "Tsukigase Rehabilitation Center". Incidentally, the period from 1983 to 1992 was the United Nations Decade for Persons with Disabilities. Therefore, I chose rehabilitation medicine with high hopes. However, as an academic discipline, it was still under development and I did not know what to study and could not have confidence in myself.
The turning point in my career was the guidance of a senior doctor I met at the end of my first year of clinical resident. He allowed
Since then, I have been trying to remember in both my education and medical practice that a person's abilities are influenced by how the other person communicate; in other words, the other person's abilities depend on the way I am.

肢体不自由学分野(Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation )

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Disability Sciences
肢体不自由学分野 教授
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Professor
出江 紳一
Shinichi Izumi


He was born in Yokohama city. After graduation from Keio University school of medicine, he soon started learning in rehabilitation medicine, and became a specialist of rehabilitation doctor. He served as an associated professor of the department of rehabilitation at Tokai University graduate school of medicine before assuming his current position in 2002 (also head of the department of rehabilitation for physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University Hospital). He has concurrently been in charge of the Department of Rehabilitation Biomedical Engineering at the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering since its inception in 2008, when it was the first school in Japan to conduct integrated medical engineering education and research, and has been the Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering for three years since 2016. His laboratory is located on the 4th floor of Building 6.