門間 陽樹
From my childhood, I always wanted to understand the underlying mechanisms of physiology. I was interested in sports, therefore, by combining the two I first decided to study exercise physiology and sport sciences. I have started performing scientific experiments during my BSc studies in the field of exercise physiology and dynamometry. Throughout the university years, I have narrowed my focus to biomechanics, performance analysis, and behavioral neurosciences, and have decided to pursue an academic career after giving presentations and being awarded in several domestic and international conferences. I have met my supervisor, professor Ryoichi Nagatomi in Barcelona at an international conference, and talk with him for a few minutes convinced me that one day I would like to work with him in Japan. In 2016, I received the Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship, which set the stage for a fully-funded Ph.D. position at Tohoku University, Graduate School of Medicine from where I graduated in 2020.
Just to clarify, in the first semester I was a Research Student and I applied to a Ph.D. position after 6 months. Therefore, I already got familiar with the Graduate School of Medicine before I got enrolled as a Ph.D. student. Even so, I had a bit of a hard time because the classes in the fields related to medicine were based on Japanese except for the field of Global Health. Therefore, I strongly recommend to international students applying for a Ph.D. position only if they can speak Japanese with some fluency. On the other hand, good point is that Tohoku University provides free Japanese education, which is very useful for those who did not come to Japan with a major in Japanese studies or language. Of course, all research can be done in English, and can proceed smoothly. Under the excellent supervision of Professor Nagatomi, I also held a series of brainstorming meetings, and self-learning helped me through my graduate school years and I could finally have early graduation.
専攻は人間運動科学です。これまでの研究と現在の研究の主な目的は、運動制御の基本的なメカニズムを理解することで、a. 加齢に伴う姿勢時の皮質脊髄ニューロンの興奮状態と一次運動皮質内の皮質内結合、b. 一次体性感覚皮質の視覚運動学習への寄与、c. いくつかの条件下での膝関節の位置感覚の変化、などを研究しています。私は常に生理学の根本的なメカニズムを理解したいと思っていましたし、スポーツにも興味がありましたので、この専攻は私と私の将来のキャリアに最も適していると思いました。
My major is human movement sciences. The main purpose of my previous and current researches are to understand the underlying mechanisms of motor control, involving a.) the excitability state of corticospinal neurons and the intracortical connections within the primary motor cortex during posture through aging, b.) the contribution of the primary somatosensory cortex to visuomotor learning, and c.) the changes in knee joint position sense after several conditions. I always wanted to understand the underlying mechanisms of physiology and I was also interested in sports, therefore, this major seemed to be the most appropriate for me and my future career.
In our department, the lab atmosphere is very positive and supportive. We have many international students, we organize international sport science seminars weekly that help us improving our skills in presentation, critical discussion, and general scientific conversation. Professor Nagatomi is an experienced and internationally-known scientist, who always give us useful comments and remarks that improve the quality of our study design or manuscript. Overall, I believe that our lab environment is one of the best in the University in Japan.
If I would have to point out only one positive aspect of Tohoku University, then it would be related to the almost unlimited facilities, including the incredible quality of the research environment, and the financial support for performing the experiments. I am sure that education is also very good at Tohoku University. I’ve heard there are also plans to increase the number of English classes in the future, which will make it an even better environment for international students.
Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering mentored by Nagatomi sensei. I am in a very blissful situation because I can continue everything we started during my Ph.D. years and we can have new collaborations as well. We are performing many scientific studies, we are writing review papers with colleagues from Europe and I have just finished my very first book in statistics written in Hungarian.
We are currently proposing new experimental studies in the field of proprioception, behavioral neurosciences, and data sciences. Moreover, we would like to extend our international networks. Besides my own scientific studies, my goal is to help students progressing with their own researches and share the knowledge and experiences I have acquired throughout the years.
Overall, Sendai is a great place to live. It is not crowded but you can find everything you need. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak opportunities for going out is very limited, nevertheless, having a short trip to Matsushima or just to see the Sendai Daikannon is possible somehow.
János Négyesi was born on April 27th, 1988 in Kunhegyes, Hungary. In 2006, he moved to Budapest to study Human Kinesiology (equivalent to Human Movement Sciences) at Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, which resulted in a Bachelor’s degree in 2009 and a Master’s degree in 2011 specializing in biomechanics and performance analysis. He visited The Netherlands three times to study movement analysis and the neural control of movement and motor learning at the University Medical Center of Groningen, University of Groningen. He was awarded many national and international awards and scholarships, e.g. in 2016 he received the Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship, which set the stage for a fully-funded Ph.D. position at Tohoku University, Graduate School of Medicine from where he graduated in 2020. The main purpose of his researches is to understand the underlying mechanisms of motor control and learning. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering.