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Nuclear translocation of intracellular domain of PRTG by proteolytic cleavage. Dev. Growth Differ., 54, in press.2012.
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- ・Suzuki A, Harada H, and Nakamura H.
Nuclear translocation of FGF8 and its implication to induce Sprouty2. Dev Growth Differ., 54, in press.2012.
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エレクトロポレーションによるニワトリ胚への遺伝子強制発現およびノックダウン. 実験医学, in press.2012.
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- ・ニコル・ルドアラン(著), 仲村春和(Nakamura H), 勝部憲一(監訳).
キメラ・クロ−ン・遺伝子 ― 生命の発生・進化をめぐる研究の歴史 西村書店.2012.
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- ・Gotoh H, Ono K, Takebayashi H, Harada H, Nakamura H, and Ikenaka K.
Genetically-defined lineage tracing of Nkx2.2-expressing cells in chick spinal cord. Dev Biol. 349, 504-11.2011
- ・Gotoh H, Ono K, Takebayashi H, Harada H, Nakamura H, and Ikenaka K.
- ・Hou X, Omi M, Harada H, Ishii S, Takahashi Y, and Nakamura H.
Conditional knockdown of target gene expression by tetracycline regulated transcription of double strand RNA. Dev Growth Differ. 53, 69-75.2011.
- ・Hou X, Omi M, Harada H, Ishii S, Takahashi Y, and Nakamura H.
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Protogenin mediates cell adhesion for ingression and re-epithelialization of the paraxial mesodermal cells. Dev Biol. 351, 13-24.2011.
- ・Ito K, Nakamura H, and Watanabe Y.
- ・Gotoh H, Ono K, Takebayashi H, Harada H, Nakamura H, and Ikenaka K.
Genetically-defined lineage tracing of Nkx2.2-expressing cells in chick spinal cord. Dev. Biol., 349, 504-511.2011.
- ・Gotoh H, Ono K, Takebayashi H, Harada H, Nakamura H, and Ikenaka K.
- ・Hou X, Omi M, Harada H, Ishii S, Takahashi Y, and Nakamura H.
Conditional knockdown of target gene expression by tetracycline regulated transcription of double strand RNA. Dev Growth Differ 53, 69-75.2011.
- ・Hou X, Omi M, Harada H, Ishii S, Takahashi Y, and Nakamura H.
- ・Omi M, Harada H, and Nakamura H.
Identification of retinotectal projection pathway in the deep tectal laminae in the chick. J Comp Neurol. 519, 2615–2621.2011.
- ・Omi M, Harada H, and Nakamura H.
- ・Kawasaki-Nishihara A, Nishihara D, Nakamura H, and Yamamoto H.
ET3/Ednrb2 Signaling Is Critically Involved in Regulating Melanophore Migration in Xenopus. Dev. Dyn. 240, 1454–1466.2011.
- ・Kawasaki-Nishihara A, Nishihara D, Nakamura H, and Yamamoto H.
- ・Tanaka J, Harada H,
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Ogura T, and Nakamura H.
Gene manipulation of chick embryos in vitro, EC culture, and long survival in transplanted eggs. Dev Growth Differ 52, 629-634.2010.
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Ogura T, and Nakamura H.
- ・Suzuki-Hirano A, Harada H, Sato T, and Nakamura H.
Activation of Ras-ERK pathway by Fgf8 and its downregulation by Sprouty2 for the isthmus organizing activity. Dev. Biol. 337, 284–293.2010.
- ・Suzuki-Hirano A, Harada H, Sato T, and Nakamura H.
- ・Xubin Hou, Tatsuya Katahira,
Jun Kimura, and Harukazu Nakamura.
Expression of chick Coactosin in cells in morphogenetic movement. Dev Growth Differ,52(9),833-840.2009.PMID: 19951325
- ・Xubin Hou, Tatsuya Katahira,
Jun Kimura, and Harukazu Nakamura.
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Sato T, and Nakamura H.
Activation of Ras-ERK pathway by Fgf8 and its downregulation by Sprouty2 for the isthmus organizing activity. Dev Biol.2009.PMID: 19896936
- ・Suzuki-Hirano A, Harada H,
Sato T, and Nakamura H.
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Short History of Electroporation for the study of developmental biology Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology, Nakamura, H. (Editor):, 2009, Springer, Tokyo pp3-7.
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- ・Odani N, Hou X, and Nakamura H.
In ovo electroporation as a useful tool to pursue molecular mechanisms of neural development in chick embryos. ibd., 9-16.2009.
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- ・Harada H , and Nakamura H.
Retinal fiber tracing by in ovo electroporation. ibd., 97-104.2009.
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- ・Sugiyama S , and Nakamura H.
Clonal and wide spread gene transfer by proviral electroporation for analysis of brain laminar formation. ibd., 117-127.2009.
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Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology. Springer, Tokyo. 331pp.2009.
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Sato T
, and Suzuki-Hirano A.
峡部オーガナイザーと小脳分化制御・視蓋極性形成および網膜視蓋投射形成 蛋白質核酸酵素 53, (4) 373-378.2008
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Ogura T, and Nakamura H.
Tracing retinal fiber trajectory with a method of transposon-mediated genomic integration in chick embryo. Dev Growth Differ, 50:697-702.2008.PMID: 18826475
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Electroporation as an efficient method of gene transfer. Dev Growth Differ, 50:443-448.2008.PMID: 18510714
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Epithelial-mesenchymal transition as a possible mechanism of semicircular canal morphogenesis in chick inner ear. Tohoku J Exp Med, 215:207-217.2008.PMID: 18648181
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Isthmus organizer for mesencephalon and metencephalon. Dev Growth Differ 50 Suppl 1:S113-118.2008.PMID: 18494704
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Electroporation in avian embryos. Methods Mol Biol, 461:377-382.2008.
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Regionalization of the vertebrate central nervous system. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience-2115. Eds. Uwe Windhorst et al.2008.
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Nakamura H, and Okamoto H.
R-spondin2 expression in the apical ectodermal ridge is essential for outgrowth and patterning in mouse limb development. Dev Growth Differ, 50:85-95.2008.PMID: 18067586
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Role of Bone morphogenetic protein 4 in zebrafish semicircular canal development. Dev Growth Differ 49:711-719.2007.PMID: 17908182
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Nakamura H, and Funahashi J.
Cloning and developmental expression of a chick G-protein-coupled receptor SCGPR1. Gene Expr Patterns 7:375-380.2007.PMID: 17251065
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Nakamura H, and Funahashi J.